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Example sentences for "given amount"

  • Sidenote: Comparative acidity and energy required in digestion] The amount of acidity in gastric juice that must be secreted for the digestion of meat is much in excess of that required for a given amount of vegetable food.

  • Sidenote: Amount of heat determined by amount of oxygen] The amount of heat given off by the combination of a given amount of oxygen with some other substance is always the same.

  • But we advance; which shows that at every stage of social life, as compared with the period that preceded it, a certain portion of our powers, relatively to a given amount of satisfactions, is left disposable.

  • If its evaporative power be sufficient to perform a given amount of work, it is proper to estimate that work in horse power.

  • It takes no more power to do a given amount of work in one case than in the other, but more boiler capacity, and more fuel, as the working power of the steam is more economically applied when the cut-off is used.

  • In other words, the alternatives before the prospective saver are to procure a given amount of satisfaction to-day, or to defer the same degree of satisfaction to a distant day.

  • Hence the owner of a given amount of capital does not profit by the advance in the total value of capital as the owner of the average parcel of land profits by the general increase in the value of land.

  • No; friction does not increase with the velocity at all, if the friction over a given amount of surface be considered; but it increases as the velocity, if the comparison be made with the time during which the friction acts.

  • Having now stated the proportions proper to be adopted for evaporating any given quantity of water in steam boilers, will you proceed to show how you would proportion a boiler to do a given amount of work?

  • A given amount of a good will affect the senses in a pleasurable way, but an increase in the amount will not cause a proportional addition to pleasure of sight, sound, or smell.

  • He should direct a given amount of labor to products that mature next year only when their expected selling price is greater than that of products that can be marketed this year.

  • With a given amount of a specific fuel and a given amount of air there is always the same amount of heat, but the rate at which this heat is given off varies with the time occupied in the operation.

  • Thus the temperature derivable from a given amount of fuel depends upon the rapidity with which it is burned.

  • As already stated, a given amount of coal generates a given amount of gas, and this gas requires a given amount of air or oxygen.

  • One who wishes to trace phenomena to their causes cannot help asking why demand and supply insure the selling of a given amount of goods at one rate rather than at another.

  • A given amount of bagasse burned in one furnace between two boilers will give better results than the same quantity burned in a number of smaller furnaces.

  • So in electricity, a given amount of the current, say one coulomb, may be obtained in a second or in an hour.

  • Hence, a condenser is constructed of conductive material so arranged as to present the greatest surface for a given amount of material.

  • A condenser is therefore made of conductive material formed into such shape as to present the maximum surface for a given amount of material.

  • Machinery always lessens the cost of a given amount of production, otherwise there would be no motive for its introduction.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "given amount" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    became convinced; found means; given area; given back; given below; given cause; given direction; given here; given number; given point; given quantity; given signal; given space; given state; given substance; given the; given the; given thee; given thing; given three; given time; given volume; given year; this occasion; what cannot; wild sheep