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Example sentences for "glebes"

Lexicographically close words:
gleanings; gleann; gleans; gleba; glebe; gled; glede; glee; gleeful; gleefully
  1. In 1802 the General Assembly passed an act by which the glebes were sold for the benefit of the public.

  2. The glebes became "bones of contention" between the Episcopal Church and the "people.

  3. Besides this a small Stock of Hogs and Cattle upon the Glebes would be of excellent Service to Newcomers, till they can be better furnished; they being obliged to leave behind them the same Number of the same Animals.

  4. The parishes were likewise regulated, competent allowances were made to the ministers, to the value of about fourscore pounds a year, besides glebes and perquisites, and the method of their preferment was settled.

  5. Convenient churches and glebes were provided, and all necessary parish officers instituted.

  6. Many of the churches were in ruins, and the glebes had fallen into decay; a union of half-a-dozen parishes would scarcely supply a meagre salary for one incumbent.

  7. There are indeed, a few glebes in the north pretty considerable, but if these and all the rest were in like manner equally divided, they would not add five pounds a year to every clergyman.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "glebes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.