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Example sentences for "glomeruli"

Lexicographically close words:
globule; globules; globulin; globulins; gloire; gloom; gloomed; gloomier; gloomiest; gloomily
  1. We first detected these glomeruli in an embryo of about 15 millims.

  2. The kidneys are very hyperaemic, and there is marked degeneration of the epithelium lining the glomeruli and convoluted tubules.

  3. These external glomeruli were originally mistaken by me (No.

  4. There is thus formed a series of free peritoneal glomeruli belonging to the anterior Wolffian tubuli[260].

  5. In the more advanced or protracted cases this hyaline substance in the glomeruli began to assume a fibrous appearance.

  6. Only the glomeruli appear, on close inspection, pale like small white dots.

  7. Klein found increase of nuclei (probably epithelial) upon the glomeruli and hyaline degeneration of the intima of minute arteries, especially marked in the afferent arterioles of the Malpighian bodies.

  8. There is evidently a diffuse fibrous change which has not affected either the tubules or glomeruli to any great extent.

  9. The microscope shows small areas scattered throughout where the glomeruli are hyalinized, the stroma full of small round cells, the tubules dilated, and the cells are almost bare of protoplasm.

  10. The glomeruli stand out as whitish dots and the sclerosed arteries are easily recognized, as their walls are much thickened.

  11. Microscopically the capsules of the glomeruli are a trifle thickened; a few show hyaline changes.

  12. One gets the impression that the small sclerotic lesions are the result of anemia and gradual replacement of scattered glomeruli by fibrous tissue.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "glomeruli" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.