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Example sentences for "gnatcatchers"

Lexicographically close words:
gnarly; gnash; gnashed; gnashing; gnat; gnats; gnaw; gnawed; gnaweth; gnawing
  1. Sylviidae--The Old World Warblers, Kinglets, and Gnatcatchers No.

  2. My first experience with gnatcatchers had been here.

  3. But then, could gnatcatchers keep still anywhere at any time?

  4. Now as these gnatcatchers had the bad taste to dress so nearly alike that I could not tell them apart, I was left to my own surmises as to which took the material.

  5. As the gnatcatchers did not honor us with their attention even when Billy stalked around in plain sight, I moved a little closer to their nest to give the dove more freedom; and soon the gentle bird slipped back to her brooding.

  6. When the wren-tit had at last been driven from his position, the gnatcatchers flew up into a tree and, standing near together, talked the matter over excitedly.

  7. Sometimes we go south, and become acquainted with blue-gray gnatcatchers and prothonotary warblers and summer tanagers and mocking-birds and blue grosbeaks, and other birds which we never see here.

  8. There'll be blue-gray gnatcatchers and mocking-birds and Acadian flycatchers," he tried again.

  9. The one representative of the distinctly American subfamily of gnatcatchers (Polioptilinae) that we have, is a small blue-gray bird, whitish below.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gnatcatchers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.