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Example sentences for "gooses"

Lexicographically close words:
goose; gooseberries; gooseberry; gooseherd; gooseneck; goost; goostly; goot; gooth; goots
  1. But turning back at the door to say to Miss Stanhope, "I vill put dose gooses in von safe place.

  2. Major, I hope to have my brains kicked out by a lame grasshopper if ebery one ob dem gooses didn't put down de udder leg!

  3. You mean ter say, Chad, dat de gooses on my plantation on'y got one leg?

  4. I'm gwineter show dis nigger dat all de gooses on my plantation got mo' den one leg.

  5. Nor you won't help cook their gooses for them, may be,' said the man.

  6. I'm gwine ter show dis nigger dat all de gooses on my plantation got mo' den one leg.

  7. You mean to say dat de gooses on my plantation on'y got one leg?

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gooses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.