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Example sentences for "gredge"

Lexicographically close words:
grebe; grebes; grec; grecque; grecques; gredy; gree; greed; greedie; greedier
  1. An' I tell my wife that holdin' a gredge agin a woman fur bein' fickle is like holdin' a gredge agin her fur bein' a woman.

  2. A neighbor said to me of another: "He has a gredge agin all creation, and glories in human misery.

  3. But ginerally hit's jest somebody who has a gredge agin the blockader fer family reasons, or business reasons, and turns informer to git even.

  4. I was thinkin' las' night I'd give up me gredge again ye,' says he.

  5. Anny gredge I iver had again her I burrid long ago.

  6. No man that bears a gredge again' himsilf 'll iver be governor iv a state.

  7. Little gredge have I again' anny monarch in th' deck.

  8. She wint at it as though she had a gredge at it.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gredge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.