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Example sentences for "himsilf"

Lexicographically close words:
himseemed; himsel; himself; himselfe; himsell; hin; hina; hinauf; hinc; hind
  1. No man that bears a gredge again' himsilf 'll iver be governor iv a state.

  2. As long as George was a lithograph iv himsilf in a saloon window he was all r-right.

  3. Mebbe'tis, as th' pa-apers say, that Otis has writ himsilf out.

  4. He says to himsilf 'Lave others seek th' luxuries iv life in camp,' he says.

  5. If Foly have supprised thee, 3235 Do so that it recovered be; And be wel war to take no more Counsel, that greveth aftir sore; He is wys that wol himsilf chastyse.

  6. For preching of a cursed man, 5760 Though [it] to other may profyte, Himsilf availeth not a myte; For oft good predicacioun Cometh of evel entencioun.

  7. Th' first thing he done was to get himsilf arristed.

  8. But th' time come whin Alger cud contain himsilf no longer, an' he set down an' wrote to Chansy Depoo.

  9. It niver requires coercion to get a man to make a monkey iv himsilf in a prisidintial campaign.

  10. He showed himsilf wanst whin he was feelin' gay.

  11. An' himsilf looked natural, as fine a corpse as iver Gavin layed out.

  12. We stepped proudly off in the dusk, me bould Tad houldin' himsilf very straight beside me and the gang marchin' at our heels shoulder to shoulder.

  13. Tis the bar,' says me proud engine-room crew, balancin' himsilf on the plates.

  14. The first thing he gets is a porthrait iv himsilf be wan iv th' gr-reat modhren masthers, Sargent be name.

  15. Gin'ral Delaney was completely taken be surprise an' befure he cud recover, Lord Mechoon had thrown himsilf around his neck an' given him his cigreet case in token iv submission.

  16. On rayceivin' th' congrathylations iv his colleague, Misther Chamberlain, he bought himsilf a rayvolver an' took out a policy on his life.

  17. Th' king ain't supposed to do annything f'r himsilf but go up an' be cawrnated.

  18. Manny a man I've knowed has so doped himsilf with books that he'd stumble over a carpet-tack.

  19. He's bethrayed a few thrusts himsilf an' put a story or two on th' house.

  20. To think that anny man shud so demean himsilf as to imagine such a thing, lave alone say it.

  21. He may bear himsilf with a haughty manner, but he feels that ivry man he meets knows more about him thin he knows himsilf.

  22. I want something easy on me nerves like burglin', and I wish I was safe on the East Side with me little human conundrum, bad scran to him, and what is he smilin' to himsilf about now?

  23. Tis the Frinchman himsilf as will have a head that's fit to burst.

  24. A trapper can't cover the ground quicker than they, and ye may be sure that they'll slip along as though the gintleman himsilf was behint 'em.

  25. This one who calls himsilf Biggs told me that whin he looked over the side of the canoe, he found himsilf face to face wid the devil.

  26. Twas not for himsilf he fought, do you understand.

  27. Then, Moike, when you get ready to go back, you'll foind the foinest wan of the lot all by himsilf in a box Pat brought from the store.

  28. Twas himsilf as wint iver straight after what he wanted.

  29. Tis himsilf as knows a b'y's mother is the wan.

  30. And the way you look after the little b'ys, your father himsilf couldn't do better.

  31. Av 'twas the owld divil himsilf that clapped his hand on me arm I'd be no more surprised than I was to see the lad here.

  32. The Seer has no family at all but himsilf an' his job.

  33. But th' luck iv war was against him an' he sthruck himsilf upon th' ankle.

  34. Puritan principles an' separate himsilf fr'm his money he'll be wan hundhred an' fifty-eight thousand years in cold storage.

  35. Findin' himsilf in a bad lie, he undhertook to use a brassy in a spirit iv nawthin' venture nawthin' gain.

  36. Annyhow, I'm glad to have him advised about his books so that he won't hurt himsilf with lithrachoor that don't come undher th' pure food act.

  37. They don't undherstan' why a man shud be allowed to pizen himsilf into th' belief that he amounts to something, but thin they don't undherstand man.

  38. His opponent was obliged to contint himsilf with a more modest but still sound an' meritoryous thirty-eight (estimated).

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "himsilf" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.