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Example sentences for "himselfe"

Lexicographically close words:
hime; hims; himseemed; himsel; himself; himsell; himsilf; hin; hina; hinauf
  1. The maister gunner, finding himselfe prevented and maistered by the greater number, would have slaine himselfe with a sword had he not beene by force withhold and locked into his cabben.

  2. Heere is sir Iohn himselfe now, looke you.

  3. For mine I am sure hath almost fretted himselfe to death.

  4. Christ himselfe could not escape the malitious censures of the wicked.

  5. There is but thre wa[y]s of knowing himselfe to be the Sonne of God: 1.

  6. A man may do another a good turne though he cannot performe it for himselfe, as the barber cannot trimme himselfe though he can others.

  7. They said not that Christ could not cast out a diuel, and soe denyed his power, which is a synn against the Holy Ghost, but they said himselfe was possessed, nay more that he was Belzeebub.

  8. King, That his chiefe followers lodge in Townes about him, While he himselfe keepes in the cold field?

  9. If his owne life, Answere the straitnesse of his proceeding, It shall become him well: wherein if he chance to faile he hath sentenc'd himselfe Esc I am going to visit the prisoner, Fare you well Duke.

  10. That my master being scribe, To himselfe should write the Letter?

  11. In all submission and humility, Yorke doth present himselfe vnto your Highnesse K.

  12. Tis the infirmity of his age, yet he hath euer but slenderly knowne himselfe Gon.

  13. Indeede the French may lay twentie French Crownes to one, they will beat vs, for they beare them on their shoulders: but it is no English Treason to cut French Crownes, and to morrow the King himselfe will be a Clipper.

  14. Every man of or within this Jurisdiction shall have free libertie, not with standing any Civill power, to remove both himselfe and his familie at their pleasure out of the same, provided there be no legall impediment to the contrarie.

  15. And generally no man shall be present in the Court whilst himselfe or his matter passeth the judgement of the Court.

  16. So deliveringe upp his Office togeather with the Sealls, hee desyred the Courte to proceed in Eleccion of their Treasuror, accordinge to the message lately receaved from his Majesty: and theruppon withdrew himselfe out of the Courte.

  17. Sidenote: This inconstant young man sometimes declared himselfe for the Protestant; witnesse his last band.

  18. The Erle of Arrane having suffered repulse in his designe to marry the Queen of England, he begane to fancie unto himselfe that the Queen of Scotland.

  19. Bothwell, finding himselfe thus in disorder, sent a servant to Sir James Balfour, to save a little silver cabinet which the Queen had given him.

  20. This difference is betwixt the good and bad; When as for sin the godly scourged are, And godly Sorrow moves them to be sad, These speeches or the like they will declare: O will the Lord absent himselfe for ever?

  21. My Locks with dew wet are Yet she remissive grew, Till he himselfe with-drew Before she was aware.

  22. In this wise the duke of Glocester tooke vpon himselfe the order and gouernance of the yoong king, whome with much honor and humble reuerence he conueied vpward towards the citie.

  23. When the protector had both the children in his hands, he opened himselfe more boldlie, both to certeine other men, and also cheeflie to the duke of Buckingham.

  24. At this question, all the lords sat sore astonied, musing much by whome this question should be meant, of which euerie man wist himselfe cleere.

  25. As though that name of beneuolence had signified, that euerie man should paie, not what himselfe of his owne good will list to grant, but what the king of his good will list to take.

  26. The king, when his mother had said, made hir answer, part in earnest, part in plaie merilie, as he that wist himselfe out of hir rule.

  27. For in all other nations, where the truth were not well knowne, it should peraduenture be thought, that it were his owne ambitious mind and deuise, to depose the prince, and take himselfe the crowne.

  28. His fancy so transcendently aspires, He showes himselfe a witt, who but admires.

  29. Some crowd to touch the Relique of his Bayes, Some to cry up their owne wit in his praise, And thinke they engage it by Comparatives, When from himselfe, himselfe he best derives.

  30. The man himselfe walked vpon the ground, and the partriges flew in the aire, which he ledde vnto a certaine castle called Zauena, being three dayes iourney distant from Trapesunda.

  31. And therefore when the great Can will solace himselfe with hunting or hauking, he needs not so much as once to step forth of his palace.

  32. Neither did he regard to write them in difficult Latine or in an eloquent stile, but euen as Odoricus himselfe rehearsed them, to the end that men might the more easily vnderstand the things reported.

  33. Whether therefore the gatherers of the publique or private Play-house stand to receive the afternoones rent, let our Gallant (having paid it) presently advance himselfe up to the Throne of the Stage.

  34. But he my Lord that wrought this miracle, Is not of power to free himselfe from death, Through the performance of this suddaine change.

  35. I urge it not, that I misdoubt your truth; I hope his Unckle doth perswade himselfe You will be courteous, kinde, and affable.

  36. We have attach'de Fallerio, gracious lord, And did accuse him with Pertillos death; But he remote will not confesse himselfe Neither the meanes nor author of the same.

  37. So shall the Doctrine of truth be preserved uncorrupt, many soules converted, and built up, and himselfe receive manifold comforts of his labours even in this life, and afterward the Crown of Glory laid up for him in the world to come.

  38. In both, he calles himselfe the whip of men.

  39. He had every man's Oathes numbered, and at night for every Oath a Kan of water was powered down his Sleeve, with which every Offender was so washed (himselfe and all) that a man should scarce heare an Oath in a Weeke.

  40. This stately kind of soliciting made him so much overvalue himselfe that he respected us as nothing at all.

  41. The messenger Wyffin perceived such "preparation for warre at Werowocomoco that he did assure himselfe [the President not being there] that some mischief was intended.

  42. He does confesse he feeles himselfe distracted, But from what cause he will by no meanes speake Guil.

  43. Conueyances of his Lands will hardly lye in this Boxe; and must the Inheritor himselfe haue no more?

  44. I lou'd you euer; but it is no matter: Let Hercules himselfe doe what he may, The Cat will Mew, and Dogge will haue his day.

  45. First, God himselfe hath enacted that p[oe]nall statute, Thou shalt not suffer a witch to liue.

  46. Riddle that Oedipus himselfe could not vnfolde.

  47. The character of the Court Beggar is given in these words: ‘He is a Knight that hanckers about the court ambitious to make himselfe a Lord by begging.

  48. And furniſh forth himselfe ſo from the Brokers?

  49. The fourth chapter of Dekker’s Guls Horne-booke is entitled ‘How a Gallant should behaue himselfe in Powles walkes.

  50. Howeuer, Himselfe be fordide, hee is ſenſuall that way.

  51. Thus I mend it: Time himselfe is bald, and therefore to the worlds end, will haue bald followers An.

  52. Marry sir, by a rule as plaine as the plaine bald pate of Father time himselfe Ant.

  53. By this I thinke the Diall points at fiue: Anon I'me sure the Duke himselfe in person Comes this way to the melancholly vale; The place of depth, and sorrie execution, Behinde the ditches of the Abbey heere Gold.

  54. Mazes well framed a mans height, may perhaps make your friend wander in gathering of berries, till he cannot recouer himselfe without your helpe.

  55. When God had made man after his owne Image, in a perfect state, and would haue him to represent himselfe in authority, tranquillity, and pleasure vpon the earth, he placed him in Paradise.

  56. He holds himselfe highly engaged to his invention if it can purchase him victuals; for authors hee never converseth with them, unlesse they walke in Paules.

  57. You shall never observe him make any reply in places of publike concourse; hee ingenuously acknowledges himselfe to bee more bounden to the happinesse of a retentive memory, than eyther ability of tongue, or pregnancy of conceite.

  58. This man is of so much authority, that meeting with any of his profession, he may cal them to accompt, and comaund a share or snap vnto himselfe of al that they have gained by their trade in one moneth.

  59. Wherevnto are added many witty Characters, and conceited Newes, written by himselfe and other learned Gentlemen his friends.

  60. Treuisa, a Gent, deriuing himselfe from the ancient and weldeseruing Chronicler of that name: he beareth G.

  61. In like sort (say they) he trussed vp a millers man, thereby, for that he presented himselfe in the others stead, saying he could neuer do his master better seruice.

  62. Till then, my Noble Friend, chew vpon this: Brutus had rather be a Villager, Then to repute himselfe a Sonne of Rome Vnder these hard Conditions, as this time Is like to lay vpon vs Cassi.

  63. He sayes, for Brutus sake He findes himselfe beholding to vs all 4 'Twere best he speake no harme of Brutus heere?

  64. That I haue Lady, if it will please Caesar To be so good to Caesar, as to heare me: I shall beseech him to befriend himselfe Por.

  65. When he came to himselfe againe, hee said, If hee had done, or said any thing amisse, he desir'd their Worships to thinke it was his infirmitie.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "himselfe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.