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Example sentences for "gugglet"

Lexicographically close words:
gueule; guez; guffaw; guffawed; guffaws; guid; guidance; guide; guidebook; guidebooks
  1. The water-carrier looked at him and gave him the gugglet which he took and gazing into it, shook it up and lastly poured it out on the ground.

  2. Hereupon said Masrur to him, "O son of my uncle, open to us the door and give us a gugglet of water for that our lord thirsteth.

  3. So he entered the house and took a gugglet of water; but the slave-girl Zumurrud saw him and said to him, "O my love, hast thou sold the curtain?

  4. Thereupon she rejoined, "Tell me the truth of the case, that I may order my affair; and why take the gugglet of water?

  5. Then he went out and presently returned with a gugglet of sherbet flavoured with rose-water, scented with musk and cooled with snow; and he set this before them saying, "Complete your kindness to me!

  6. So Ajib took the gugglet and drank and passed it to the Eunuch; and it went round till their stomachs were full and they were surfeited with a meal larger than their wont.

  7. So she took a gugglet of water and, after uttering words over it, sprinkled upon me a few drops, saying, "Come forth from that form into thy former form.

  8. Anon she will return and seeing thee will be sore perplexed and will hasten to escape from thee; but before she go forth sprinkle some drops from this gugglet upon her and recite these spells which I shall teach thee.

  9. O my lady, he saith that under such a tree are a gugglet of water flavoured with musk and a pitcher of old wine.

  10. They heard me not and paid no heed to my words, but laying hold of me, bound me by force and let me down into the cavern, with a large gugglet of sweet water and seven cakes of bread, according to their custom.

  11. Then the governor replaced the tray and the gugglet in the closet and returning to the saloon, opened the locker and laid the whip in its place; after which he doffed his clothes and lay down.

  12. So he arose and went out after him softly, very softly, that he might not be seen and presently saw him open a closet and take thence a tray containing four dishes of meat and bread and a gugglet of water.

  13. Then he agreed with her to fast for a month as she had stipulated, and she said to him, 'I will help thee with the prayers I pray for thee and now bring me a gugglet of water.

  14. Thy father took the gugglet and arose and set it apart in a closet of his palace, then locked the door and put the key in his pocket.

  15. And after he had accomplished the ten days thereof, on the eleventh he opened the gugglet and drank what was therein and found it cordial to his stomach.

  16. Then he agreed with her to fast for a month as she had stipulated, and she said to him, "I will help thee with the prayers I pray for thee and now bring me a gugglet of water.

  17. So the King took the gugglet and setting it apart in a closet of his palace, locked the door and put the key in his pocket.

  18. When he had accomplished the first ten days thereof, he opened the gugglet and drank what was therein and found it cordial to his stomach.

  19. Then she called for a gugglet of water and muttered over it words in an unknown language and abode awhile, speaking over it things that we understood not.

  20. So he arose and brought her a gugglet of water; but she cried to him, "Who said to thee, Fetch that?

  21. Go, fetch us a gugglet of water, so we may refresh ourselves and rest till siesta-time pass and the heat decline, when the man will depart and bring our bag and baggage.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gugglet" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.