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Example sentences for "guffaw"

Lexicographically close words:
guests; guet; gueth; gueule; guez; guffawed; guffaws; gugglet; guid; guidance
  1. A guffaw broke from the soldiers below, and was instantly suppressed.

  2. There was a general guffaw at Bates's little witticism.

  3. It was darkly hysterical and he released a tacit, tickled guffaw in a strong exhaled breath, circumspect to stifle noise that could awaken the other passengers.

  4. For the movement has not only got past the guffaw stage; it has got past the arguing stage.

  5. You may guffaw before Rembrandt (people do!

  6. Salome") at the guffaw of a provincial town confronted by the spectacle and the noise of the famous "Salome" osculation.

  7. At hearing that melancholy voice, Samuel Bilbao, in his thunderous, inconsequential style, gave a loud guffaw and brought his fist down with wonderful artistic gentleness on the mate's bowed form.

  8. Then he gave a loud guffaw that echoed to the hills and made Hillary look round in apprehension.

  9. A loud guffaw from the Flat Hat men greeted this wholesale condemnation.

  10. A quizzical look dawned in the old negro's eyes, and then he gave a resounding guffaw and shook all over.

  11. Grand Brul, he had a little adventure which absolutely gave him a hearty guffaw and sent him almost laughing to bed.

  12. The Lieutenant uttered an enormous guffaw that made his mount swerve again.

  13. Burgundy," replied Blewforth with a great guffaw that made all the glasses and goblets and decanters on the big oak dresser ring an echo.

  14. Skipper John broke into a wild guffaw of laughter.

  15. Zametov gave a sudden guffaw in his corner.

  16. With a sudden startling guffaw the Traveling Salesman's mirth rang joyously out above the roar of the car.

  17. With another sudden, loud guffaw of mirth all the color came flushing back again into his heavy face.

  18. Her voice was the loudest amid the clamouring tongues in her large tent at night, and her guffaw overbore everything; it was one of the wonders of Forest Creek.

  19. Even the Master of the Crackanthorpe, whose sense of humour is of a decidedly primitive order, indulged in a loud guffaw at one of her pungent remarks.

  20. Every guffaw of which we were guilty would be used against us.

  21. Whereupon there was a moment of embarrassed silence as the stakes were swept across the blanket-covered table, then a guffaw of rejoiceful mirth from the prospector.

  22. There was a reluctant guffaw at this; but the gloom had deepened on their warlike souls.

  23. But the remark does not pass unheeded, and a laugh, varying in tone from open guffaw to suppressed titter, further exasperates and discomfits the luckless stumbler, who vows vengeance on his tormentor.

  24. There was a guffaw at this modest assertion, but the disaffected miller's tones dominated the rude merriment.

  25. He was about to break forth with a guffaw of great relish when Nehemiah spoke hastily, forestalling the laughter.

  26. Looks as if some of us wouldn't be home in time for lunch," was another comment, greeted by a guffaw along the line.

  27. How we used to guffaw at the answer of the cockney soldier who met a German soldier with his hands up, crying: "Kamerad!

  28. At most he would break into a short dry guffaw which had more of a sneer in it than of mirth; and although he could send a roomful of people into roars whenever he chose, not a muscle of his own saturnine countenance would relax.

  29. At which remark Fordham laughed aloud, his short, dry guffaw more sardonic than ever.

  30. A hilarious guffaw that reached me as I was picketing my horse announced that the story was out, and as the two returned to the fire Uncle Lance was slapping Enrique on the back at every step and calling him a lucky dog.

  31. Mr. Blank flung back his head and emitted guffaw after guffaw of unaffected mirth.

  32. Already well disposed towards any one who could call this note of pleasure into the loved voice, the Breton, who had just entered, turned to give a broad stare at the handsome stranger, then burst into a guffaw of pure delight.

  33. Prentices sang lewd songs and played vile pranks; anon the babel rose into a guffaw or lapsed to a snarl.

  34. When Repentance called the Seven Sins to confession, and the tale was told of Glutton in the tavern, Sir Austin doubled him up with a loud guffaw and nigh fell into the fire.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "guffaw" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.