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Example sentences for "hairbrained"

Lexicographically close words:
haima; haine; hainous; haint; hair; hairbreadth; hairbrush; haircloth; haircut; haird
  1. This rash hairbrained devil of a friar fears nothing, but ventures and runs on like a mad devil as he is, and cares not a rush what becomes of others; as if everyone was a monk, like his friarship.

  2. The breach between King and Parliament was widening daily, and Charles was foolish enough to listen to schemes which the most hairbrained of his courtiers devised for dragging the army into the quarrel.

  3. Nevertheless, quoth Panurge, if I understood aright that it were much better for me to remain a bachelor as I am, than to run headlong upon new hairbrained undertakings of conjugal adventure, I would rather choose not to marry.

  4. How some statesmen of Picrochole, by hairbrained counsel, put him in extreme danger.

  5. How some statesmen of Picrochole, by hairbrained counsel, put him in extreme danger Chapter 1.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hairbrained" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.