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Example sentences for "hastilie"

Lexicographically close words:
hastening; hastens; hastes; hasteth; hastie; hastily; hastiness; hasting; hastis; hastly
  1. And therefore he, fearing least their motion might with the lord Hastings minish his credence, wherevnto onelie all the matter leaned, procured the protector hastilie to rid him.

  2. The younger Lady, hastilie taking out a Pencil and Paper, wrote something which she laughinglie shewed her Companion, and then put into the Sleeper's Hand.

  3. As ill Luck would have it, however, the little Reptile onlie fell among his Curls; which soe took me at Vantage that I coulde not helpe hastilie crying, "I beg your Pardon.

  4. Then George Douglas gat up hastilie and went to the porters and watchmen and inquired for the King, who still answered that he was sleeping in his own chamber.

  5. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hastilie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.