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Example sentences for "hastening"

Lexicographically close words:
hasted; hastely; hasten; hastened; hasteneth; hastens; hastes; hasteth; hastie; hastilie
  1. Ten minutes later she flung the magazine onto the table and, hastening into her own room, dressed for a ride.

  2. Hastening to meet them, Jennie pushed aside the hair and peered up into the white face: "My Lord!

  3. He secured her feet and hands with a few quick turns of the rope, hobbled the horses, and hastening to the bank concealed himself in a bunch of willows.

  4. Hastening to the woodpile, she gathered kindlings and returned to the house and prepared her father's breakfast.

  5. I'm guessin' young feller, mebbe you've lit luckier'n what you think.

  6. There was a strange ache at her throat, but in her heart welled a great gladness.

  7. Otto, who was hastening to the tree that Elfrida had left, saw her, and was at her side in an instant.

  8. So they parted, for he was going to Saint Peter's, and she turned in the direction of the nearest tramway, hastening to her pupils.

  9. As they fell out of their ranks and scattered in twos and threes, hastening to the different parts of the establishment where each did her accustomed work, Sister Giovanna naturally found herself beside the Mother Superior.

  10. Hastening to the parapet of the glacis, he saw a little girl running with a basket in her hand, while the blood was trickling down her bosom.

  11. The increase in the flow of the blood and the lymph causes changes to take place more rapidly in the liquids around the cells, thereby increasing the supply of food and oxygen, and hastening the removal of waste.

  12. Massage(82) judiciously applied to a sprained joint, by bringing about a more rapid change in the blood and the lymph, is beneficial both in relieving the pain, and in hastening recovery.

  13. Amid these dainties, how it pleases one to see the well-fed sheep hastening home!

  14. Macartney then endeavoured to find Gordon, but did not succeed, which is explained by the fact that Gordon was then hastening to Quinsan to collect his own troops.

  15. On hearing this decisive declaration Macartney left the table, and hastening to one of Gordon's officers, who was a personal friend, he begged the loan of a horse and a pair of spurs.

  16. And the damsel hastening to the fore and leaving the broker, said "I sell myself to this handsome young man for a thousand dinars.

  17. While the light was fading away, that of the moon and stars was hastening into life.

  18. In fancy we watched the hordes of frenzied Turks storming the high walls of Fort St. Elmo, hastening up the scaling ladders by scores.

  19. Their predilection for indoor life is pronounced, and when hastening to morning mass through the streets of Valletta, the shielding black hood is always in requisition, unrelieved by a touch of bright or cheerful color.

  20. Meanwhile similar messengers were hastening back to Yemen with orders from their chief.

  21. Wherever he was he had quick eyes, for he had discovered her in the shadows, and now came past the fountain, hastening towards her.

  22. No one knew better than Mr. Gerald the necessity that existed for hastening to The Macnamara, in case of his waiting for a length of time in that room the sideboard of which was laden with bottles.

  23. My dear boy," said the old lady, hastening towards him.

  24. Meanwhile, the Viscount and his friend were hastening forward to the Mazzarini Palace, as totally forgetful of Purvis as though that valuable individual had never existed.

  25. Kate was hastening to her room, when a short, quick step behind her made her turn round, and she saw Purvis endeavoring to overtake her.

  26. Do not be uneasy, young ladies," said he, hastening to relieve their fears.

  27. We saw the low doorway where, according to tradition, he struck his head and killed himself while hastening to play tennis.

  28. Most appealing of all, was the broken bridge of St. Benezet, resisting with its few remaining arches the hastening Rhone.

  29. The happy, light-hearted populace were moving through them, enjoying at their leisure the calm beauty of the evening, or hastening to or from some place of festivity.

  30. Soon as it was over, Fausta, springing from her seat, disappeared, hastening to her apartments.

  31. Good-day," said the missionary, hastening out.

  32. Hastening into the car with her usual heedlessness, she tripped and nearly fell, Chase, who had followed, catching her arm just in time to save her.

  33. But if ever in the dispensation of providence it falls to your lot to be one of a band of sleigh-riding imbeciles then shall those two words be to you what snags in the channel are to seaward-hastening keels.

  34. Hastening onward through troubled ways, Forgotten for aye its woodland days, Sullen and silent its banks beside The free brook wanders, a mighty tide.

  35. Do you imagine that by and by at the upper court, whither we are all hastening as quickly as the old patrol wagon of time can carry us, there will be any distinction made between men and women?

  36. The Indians halted and fired, then seeing that their antagonists were not checked, began sullenly to retire, not even hastening much from the shells of the cannon, which had opened along the eastern edge of the camp.

  37. Here they could not be seen from any except the northernmost butte and, hastening down the slope, they ran across to the base of this butte and around to its farther side.

  38. When, a little later, the curate came hastening back with the doctor, she was quite well and sleeping calmly in her cradle.

  39. Hastening to the scene of action--a small field near the lake--Tom got his name entered in the list.

  40. Then Jack saw a slim, pliant form hastening by and a brown profile under hair bare of a hat, with eyes straight ahead.

  41. Hastening along the silent street, it was easy for her to imagine that she and Ignacio were the only sentient beings, abroad in a world that had stopped breathing.

  42. Five minutes later Willett, with relieved heart and elastic step, was hastening back to the general's quarters where sweet, yet tearful, welcome awaited him.

  43. The adjutant hurried over to call the commanding officer, passing Harris on the way, and Harris, already in campaign dress, was hastening to the camp of his scouts.

  44. Of course we might have done it had we made this our business; but we were hastening from the El Dorado, after a four years' absence from our homes.

  45. In less than an hour afterwards they had left behind them the line of baggage wagons and the small military parties of the vanguard, and found themselves rapidly hastening towards a district occupied by the friends of independence.

  46. I will see if my father can protect me," said Mary, hastening back towards the house so rapidly as almost to run.

  47. President Mora set the example, news of trouble at home hastening his flight southward.

  48. The hungry eye beheld only a long train of Mexican recruits hastening like vultures to the feast of blood.

  49. Gaston, feeling that either choice promised little of mercy, proceeded to force the issue at once by hastening his march upon Hermosillo.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hastening" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acceleration; clarification; easing; expedition; quickening; simplification; streamlining