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Example sentences for "help being"

  • I can’t help being glad my brothers are little boys,” said Molly Chester, with a catch in her voice.

  • He withdraws from the follies that have no charms for him, and I--ought I to be able to help being amused?

  • You have given papa such pleasure and comfort, as you can't help being glad of.

  • People seem hard and unreasonable and unjust, and we can't help being hurt at the time, but if they die we forget everything but our own angry speeches; somehow we never remember theirs.

  • How could I help being good to you, dear?

  • How could I help being afraid, when you told me Miss Dolly was 'awful'?

  • I--of course it is; how could it help being mine?

  • That can't help being done, Uncle,' said Alda, with streaming eyes and a choked voice.

  • Allen said ladies overdid everything, and that Mother Carey could not help being one of the sex, and then he asked her for £10, and said Babie would have plenty of time to copy out "The Single Eye.

  • He is a little like his uncle, and I can't help being fond of him.

  • But when they craned their necks and peered into the little hollowed-out snuggery in the hay they couldn't help being disappointed.

  • But, all the same, she couldn't help being pleased.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "help being" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cholera infantum; extremely susceptible; favourable opportunity; fossil wood; glass window; help being; help for; help her; help him; help himself; help myself; help the; help them; help themselves; help thinking; helping himself; helping them; human mind; just take; maternal love; peel them; separate dish; sherry wine; sole leather; spark coil; this last