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Example sentences for "heterogenous"

Lexicographically close words:
heterodox; heterodoxy; heterogeneity; heterogeneous; heterogenesis; heterologous; heteromerous; heteromyid; heteron; heteronomy
  1. When originally established, it included a heterogenous group of mollusks having shieldlike shells, such as Haliotis, Fissurella, Carinaria, etc.

  2. Defn: A heterogenous group of fungi of which the complete life history is not known.

  3. The heterogenous indigent multitude, everywhere wearing nearly the same aspect of squalor.

  4. For the honour of this illustrious personage, let us never ascribe to HIM such a powerless distracted organization of heterogenous ignorance and imbecility, as modern christianity presents in contrast with ancient christianity.

  5. The heterogenous compound of nonsense and absurdity with which the compositions of Agrippa are so replete, are certainly not the productions of a man so celebrated for his superior knowledge and understanding.

  6. Angels appear in combination with various heterogenous objects, in many of which, however, the so-called Angel is simply a Cupid.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heterogenous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.