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Example sentences for "historical point"

  • Etruria Far more important in an historical point of view was the great settlement of the Tuscans in the land which still bears their name.

  • In a historical point of view it is neither possible, nor is it of any importance, to determine whether the oldest recorded population of a country were autochthones or immigrants.

  • The scanty use made of what is called the middle Attic comedy does not require notice in a historical point of view, since it was nothing but the Menandrian comedy in a less developed form.

  • From his letters it appears that he treated the subject chiefly from the religious- historical point of view.

  • Worthless as Kirchbach's Life of Jesus is from an historical point of view, it is quite comprehensible as a phase in the struggle between the modern view of the world and Jesus.

  • Though professing great esteem for Strauss, and admitting that from the purely historical point of view he is in the right, the author feels bound to congratulate the Zurichers on having refused to admit him to the office of teacher.

  • Is it necessary to explain that these ceremonial details are not trifles from a historical point of view?

  • We need not speak of the first, as it does not present any particulars of interest from a historical point of view.

  • General considerations upon the nature of man, regarded in a historical point of view, and on the two-fold view of history.

  • From an historical point of view, as a delineation of the manners of his age, his satires are priceless, even like the epigrams of Martial.

  • His episode on Egypt is worth more, from an historical point of view, than all things combined which have descended to us from antiquity.

  • As a public teacher to those who may derive some instruction from my labors and studies, I presume to offer only reflections on Art as it existed among the Greeks, and to show its developments in an historical point of view.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "historical point" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    brilliant light; everlasting glory; family history; farthest south; historical composition; historical criticism; historical evidence; historical facts; historical fiction; historical interest; historical literature; historical materialism; historical novel; historical novels; historical painter; historical romance; historical work; historical writing; interesting account; junior year; out and; similar type; took care; ultimate extinction; well for; white mustard