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Example sentences for "hos"

Lexicographically close words:
horticulturists; hortis; horto; hortos; horum; hosa; hosannah; hosannas; hose; hosen
  1. In the same Play Xanthias bids Aeacus answer him by Jove, [Greek: Hos hemin estin homomastigias].

  2. It is true our Lord said on one occasion “Search the Scriptures, for you think in them to have life everlasting, and the same are they that give testimony to Me.

  3. The promise which our Redeemer made of creating Peter the supreme ruler of His Church is fulfilled in the following passage: “Jesus saith to Simon Peter: Simon, son of John, lovest thou Me more than these?

  4. He must vindicate the eternal laws of justice which have been violated in his own person.

  5. Abraham, for instance, was the uncle of Lot, yet he calls him brother.

  6. Ja, vi maa have mere Plads, men det er ærgerligt nok at leie Lagerrum hos Fremmede, naar man i og for sig har Plads i Huset!

  7. Tilsidst opnaaede jeg dog for den nævnte Betaling at faa Undervisningen i Græsk i øverste Klasse i Borgerdydskolen hos Professor Rovsing.

  8. To og to gik vi da omkring og lod os melde hos Folk, vi slet ikke kjendte; jeg var i Almindelighed ledsaget af Mørch-Hansen.

  9. Han gik op og ned i Stuen før han igen satte sig med et Suk og læste Brevet: Asta var stadig ovre hos Sterns i Blekingen for at pleje Mathilde og være hende til Selskab.

  10. The Hos "are charitable to those deserving aid.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hos" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    hospital gangrene; hospital nurse; hospital practice; hospital ship; hospital ships; hospital work; hoss shay; hostile cities; hostile country; hostile fire; hostile heroes; hostile manner; hostile territory; hosts came; hosts hath; hosts shall