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Example sentences for "hundered"

Lexicographically close words:
hunching; hund; hunder; hunderd; hunderds; hundert; hundherd; hundhred; hundred; hundredfold
  1. The Mexicans yeare is thrée hundered sixtie dayes, for they haue in their yere eightéene monethes, and euery moneth contayneth twentie dayes.

  2. This place is wide and large, compassed round about with dores, and is so great, that a hundered thousand persons come thither to choppe and change, as a Cittie most principall in all that region.

  3. Before those two captaynes, went a hundered Spaniardes, and eight horsemen, and behind and last came Sandoual with all the residue, and seuen horsemen.

  4. Six hundered of the clans are gone out this night to reinforce the garison of Braco and Crief.

  5. Ten hundered pounds twice over," said the carpenter, mouthing it slowly; "twenty hundered pounds.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hundered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.