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Example sentences for "hundhred"

Lexicographically close words:
hunderd; hunderds; hundered; hundert; hundherd; hundred; hundredfold; hundreds; hundredth; hundredths
  1. I see be th' raypublican pa-apers that Andhrew Carnegie has come out f'r Bryan an' has conthributed wan half iv his income or five hundhred millyon dollars to th' campaign fund.

  2. They was a gr-reat bulge in Lobster preferred caused be th' report that instead iv declarin' a dividend iv three hundhred per cint.

  3. Wan man who was good at figures counted as manny as forty-two thousan' eight hundhred an' sivin burstin' within a radyus iv wan fut.

  4. A man ought to be pretty good at th' lock step in a hundhred an' fifty-eight thousand years.

  5. A Jap'nese sojer can march three hundhred miles a day an' subsist on a small piece iv chewin' gum.

  6. Puritan principles an' separate himsilf fr'm his money he'll be wan hundhred an' fifty-eight thousand years in cold storage.

  7. He was foorced be fashion's whim to have five hundhred wives whin wan was abundant.

  8. Th' coort wud give him a letther of inthroduction to th' bridewell an' he cud stay there f'r two hundhred days.

  9. He bate th' champeen iv the' wurruld last week be a scoore iv wan hundhred an' eighty-two to siventy-six.

  10. In a few minyits all was over, an' nawthin' but three hundhred hairpins remained to mark th' scene iv slaughter.

  11. That's what we could build when we were left to ourselves, an' this is what we can do afther sivin hundhred years of the Saxon.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hundhred" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.