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Example sentences for "hundert"

Lexicographically close words:
hund; hunder; hunderd; hunderds; hundered; hundherd; hundhred; hundred; hundredfold; hundreds
  1. But if all goes well I will see to it--you shall haf five hundert poundts.

  2. We haf no hesitation whatefer now, I am instructed, in agreeing to your proposal of a hundert tousand poundts.

  3. Ich will dir keine Furcht einjagen, sondern dich in zwei und siebentzigmal hundert tausend Stücke zersplittern, dass du in einer See von deinem eigenen Blut ersticken sollest.

  4. Vor hundert jaren; the feat of rowing from Zürich to Strassburg in a single day had been performed by a band of Zürich oarsmen in 1456.

  5. See you," resumed Regina, with some warmth, "dere is one good man in one hundert mans.

  6. De man you see, shall he be de hundert man, or one von de nine and ninety?

  7. Kauf bedarf hundert Augen; Verkauf hat an einem genug=--One who buys needs a hundred eyes; one is enough for him who sells.

  8. Ein Feind ist zu viel, und hundert Freunde sind zu wenig=--One foe is too many, a hundred friends are too few.

  9. Mus' hab been 'bout a hundert an' dey was men ridin' hosses wid de men and hosses bofe robed in white.

  10. She mos' a hundert yeahs ole an' still libs on her little farm a few miles from Gainesville.

  11. Yes--and insure it--you shall insure it for hundert dollars.

  12. I see all ze whole fielt of battle; I see burning villages, black fielts, hundert or tousand dead men.

  13. Und vhen dey shtood bei Ostersee, Vhere de waters roar like sin, Dere coom five hundert fischer volk To dake der Breitmann in.

  14. Hundert, or, because my packetts are particularly fine, perhaps hundert ten.

  15. Sir, zere vas hundert tousand pound sterling ifory in ze vaults below zat house: hundert tousand, sure as a gun.

  16. De Pitts' owned ober two hundert slaves, case dey also had a plantation in Firginia.

  17. I reckon dat I is a hundert an' three or a hundert an' four years old.

  18. Squire Sykes lived in what wus called Gum Neck, an' he owned a hundert slaves or more an' a whole passel of lan'.

  19. De whole hundert or so of us runs an' hides.

  20. Dey hung him fer a scandelous insult ter a white 'oman an' dey comed atter him a hundert strong.

  21. We 'longed ter Mr. Abner Parker who lived near Raleigh an' he had maybe a hundert slaves an' a whole heap of lan'.

  22. In habent die engel wol sehzic hundert jār an gesehen, und sehent in hiute als gerne als des ērsten tages.

  23. My pappy worked on de farm, which wus boun' ter have been a big plantation wid two hundert an' more niggers ter work hit.

  24. Mr. Jake had four or five hundert niggers hyar an' I doan know how many at de Edgecombe County place.

  25. Dar wus a heap o' slaves, maybe a hundert an' fifty.

  26. He had a hundert slaves an' I reckon five hundert acres o' lan'.

  27. We 'longed ter Mr. Jake Mordecai, an' we lived on his six hundert acres plantation 'bout a mile from Millbrook.

  28. Massa Dick owned a powerful big plantation an' ober a hundert slaves, an' we wucked on short rations an' went nigh naked.

  29. De day when I wuz a hundert years old I warn't able ter git ter de city lot, but I got a lot uv presents.

  30. De slaves puts de coffin on de cyart hin' de two black hosses an' wid six or maybe seben hundert niggers follerin' dey goes ter de Simms' graveyard an' buries her.

  31. She's a gran' fush, and she wouldna ha' lost her for twa hundert pun'.

  32. Last night I have tell Herr Kraus; and he say that since I have told the coroner I know notings, much better I touch the lady for five hundert and go home.

  33. You give me five hundert dollar," reiterated the thick even voice, "or I tell the police you come in the back door two minutes after Mr. Balfame he was kilt at the front gate.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hundert" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.