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Example sentences for "illimitably"

Lexicographically close words:
illic; illicit; illicitly; illigant; illimitable; illinc; illis; illiteracy; illiterate; illiterates
  1. When, however, the firm basis and sure principle of some real and actual fact is once given, then the further scientific development, derivation, and wider deduction from this first foundation may be carried illimitably onward.

  2. Even to save one she loves from great calamity, she would not think of compromising the most trivial of her fundamental principles; yet for the sake of one she loves, she would sacrifice herself illimitably even upon the most trivial occasion.

  3. Her languid pulses thrill with sudden hope, That will not be forgot nor cast aside, And life in statelier vistas seems to ope, Illimitably lofty, long, and wide.

  4. Still can I see the hot, bright sky, the sea Illimitably sparkling, as they showed That morning.

  5. She gives us the breath of the pines and of the cool, salt seas, "illimitably sparkling.

  6. This air, like the matter of Anaximander, stretches illimitably through space.

  7. Then, realising that any movement of hers might distract his attention and so add illimitably to his danger, she forced herself by an almost superhuman effort to remain where she was.

  8. That fact must still be faced, and the absence of any word from Brett this morning increased illimitably the sense of strain under which she was labouring.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "illimitably" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    endlessly; eternally; forever; immeasurably; immensely; infinitely; interminably