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Example sentences for "implacability"

Lexicographically close words:
impiously; impis; impish; impishly; impius; implacable; implacably; implacental; implant; implantation
  1. It illustrated and emphasized as no previous event had done, the implacability of the sentiment hostile to slavery.

  2. Had the bitterness and the implacability he had encouraged for so many years bitten their acids through and through the lofty ideals which once had been the larger part of himself?

  3. Underneath the immense sanity of Hamilton's mind was a curious warp of obstinacy, born of implacability and developed far beyond the normal bounds of determination.

  4. Adams had roused the deep implacability of Hamilton's nature.

  5. What a monument of the incarnation of political lust, of the reckless desperation, the implacability of the depraved human heart, when resolved upon cruelty!

  6. At present we can form some idea of their designs, and the degree of the implacability of their souls, from the evidence already placed before us, as we measure inaccessible heights by the awful shadows which they project.

  7. His face wore a set such as artists give the features of Death--the pale implacability of doom.

  8. Hamilton's eyes, the eyes that could change so swiftly from implacability to disarming softness, flashed into pride as he looked at her.

  9. His power is incalculable and his implacability is absolute.

  10. Why should I repeat my vows of eternal implacability and persecution, and the speedy recantation of these vows?

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "implacability" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.