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Example sentences for "instrumentalist"

Lexicographically close words:
instruire; instruit; instrument; instrumenta; instrumental; instrumentalists; instrumentalities; instrumentality; instrumentall; instrumentally
  1. From an instrumentalist in Colonne's orchestra he had attained the rank of assistant conductor.

  2. It is the giant instrumentalist that predominates in him, and it is thanks to that quality that he cannot fail to reach any ear that is open to music.

  3. And at that moment the instrumentalist began a lightning-fast ascent of the scale, quavering each note in erotic suggestiveness for the fraction of a second it was fingered.

  4. After its appearance was agreed upon, the instrumentalist gingerly plucked a gut string with the wire plectrum attached to his forefinger and studied its sound with a distant expression.

  5. This system, which is found to be the chief factor both in singing in tune, and in giving the stringed instrumentalist the power of playing in tune, for want of a more comprehensive title might be named "relative pitch.

  6. No instrumentalist ever charmed the Italians so much as he, and although they are not very fond of instrumental concerts, yet he gave more than a dozen concerts in Milan and five here.

  7. At any rate no instrumentalist of taste would play the above song staccato.

  8. Provided an instrumentalist or a conductor creates a "sensation" no close inquiry is made into a sacrifice of artistic virtue.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "instrumentalist" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    eclectic; empirical; existential; hedonistic; idealistic; instrumentalist; materialistic; mechanistic; metaphysical; naturalistic; pantheistic; player; positivistic; pragmatical; rationalistic; realist; realistic; scholastic; theistic; transcendentalist; utilitarian