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Example sentences for "itt"

Lexicographically close words:
ito; itre; its; itself; itselfe; ittle; itty; itur; iubet
  1. They are, however, made to feel the humiliation of their position.

  2. He languished in prison for two years, and died there.

  3. If the Pennsylvania system of liberating immediately only the post nati, so much more liberal than that of most of the free States, were adopted by Maryland, the cost of manumission there would be very small.

  4. It explores the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms.

  5. A man of genius, but I believe a rationalist in religion.

  6. Now is the day of trial: humanity hopes and fears, mankind await the verdict.

  7. And a man, with a family of nine children to support, breaking stones on the high road, in winter, for eight English shillings a week?

  8. He was liberal at heart, and had always been so.

  9. Denique, itt is a rendőrség húzta a rövidebbet!

  10. With that the pinnace itt shot off, Full well Lord Howard might it ken; For itt stroke down my lord's fore mast, And killed fourteen of his men.

  11. Come hither Horseley, sayes my lord, And looke your shaft that itt goe right, Shoot a good shoote in time of need, And for it thou shalt be made a knight.

  12. Wherefore in great sorrow faire Bessy did say, Good father, and mother, let me goe away To seeke out my fortune, whatever itt bee.

  13. Nowe cutt my ropes, itt is time to be gon; Ile fetch yond pedlars backe mysell.

  14. My mother was a westerne woman, And learned in gramaryè, And when I learned at the schole, Something she taught itt mee.

  15. What wold ye doe with my harpe,' he sayd,' If I did sell itt yee?

  16. The childe, which is no mans but thine, My bodye itt will brast.

  17. Yonder I heare Sir Guyes home blowe, Itt blowes soe well in tyde, And yonder comes that wightye yeoman, Cladd in his capull hyde.

  18. Although itt is seven yeers and more Since my daughter was in halle, She shall come once downe for your sake To glad my guestes alle.

  19. And if he can telle mee of a citie on earthe where one can see more prettye, tiny feete, in neater shoos or gaytered bootes, thann hee may then beholde, I wolde fayne knowe where itt is, thatt I maye go there too.

  20. Soe thatt itt often comes to passe thatt whenn walkyng in ye Broade Waye of New-Yorke, yee can tell a Philadelphienne by hir sober yet rich garbe, so that ye Cosmopolite sayth: 'Per ma fe!

  21. My cloake it was a very good cloake Itt hath been alwayes true to the weare, But now it is not worth a groat; I have had it four and forty yeere; Sometime itt was of cloth in graine, 'Tis now but a sigh clout as you may see.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "itt" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.