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Example sentences for "keep together"

  • Since it would be madness for the whole crush to keep together, we've arranged to separate, if we do get clear, and work in pairs.

  • Even those in the open fields were careful to keep together; any man straying more than twenty yards from the rest of the party being liable to be shot by the numerous armed guards.

  • Here he fell in with another lonely trapper, like himself, named Potts, and they agreed to keep together.

  • This last circumstance rendered it more perilous to keep together than to separate.

  • So far as that aspect of the trip is concerned, it will not be more difficult for us to keep together, probably, than during any adventurous journey here in this world.

  • Keep together," cautioned the Doctor, and they started off along the path, following its inner edge.

  • It may not be hard for us to keep together," continued the Doctor.

  • Remember, young gentlemen, keep together, and do nothing to offend the natives," said Mr Hanson as they were about to shove off.

  • The chiefs shouted to their people to keep together, for already many were straggling behind.

  • Again and again the Arab called on his men to keep together, and not to be disheartened, though he himself showed his apprehensions by the expression of his countenance.

  • But whatever detours they had to make, they managed by touch or whisper to keep together, and although their progress was slow it was still progress, and they knew that they were steadily nearing the German lines.

  • Keep together as much as you can and--Drop!

  • Frank and Bart, Billy and Tom, who all through the fight had managed to keep together, found themselves engaged with a squad of Germans double their number, two of whom were frantically trying to bring a machine gun to bear upon them.

  • The Arabs shouted to each other to keep together, and dashed forward; but thicker and thicker came the storm.

  • Our only chance will be to keep together and be constantly on the watch," observed Boxall.

  • This, however, he absolutely declined to do, upon the ground that it was impossible for so large a body of men to keep together, as there would be no means of feeding them.

  • You ten men will, however, keep together, and at once follow Boduoc and myself.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "keep together" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    actual possession; cannot abide; come alongside; each generation; good housekeeper; keep alive; keep back; keep clear; keep close; keep down; keep him; keep myself; keep quiet; keep right; keep thee; keep their; keep them; keep thyself; keep together; keep warm; keep watch; keep you; keepe them; least developed; other occupations; winged insects