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Example sentences for "mean distance"

  • Mean distance -- that of the Earth being unity.

  • Mean distance (of a planet from the sun) (Astron.

  • This comet, called after Encke, has showed in each of its returns an inexplicable reduction of mean distance, which led to the assertion of a resisting medium in space until a better explanation could be found.

  • CA or a line drawn from S to D is the mean distance of the planet from the sun.

  • Mercury revolves round the Sun at a mean distance of 36 millions of miles.

  • In this light we may look for comets having a mean distance corresponding to the intervals of the planets, rather than to the distances of the planets themselves.

  • Regarding then, that a comet's mean distance depends on its mean atomic density, as in the case of the planets, the undue enlargement of their orbits by planetary perturbations is inadmissible.

  • The companion is only of the tenth magnitude, and revolves around Sirius in a period of about fifty years, at a mean distance equal to about that of Uranus from the sun.

  • Stars of the second magnitude have a mean distance of fifty-eight light years, those of the third magnitude ninety-two years, and so on.

  • Kepler knew that the different planets had different periodic times; he also saw that the greater the mean distance of the planet the greater was its periodic time, and he was determined to find out the connection between the two.

  • This great globe revolves around the sun at a mean distance of no less than 2,800 millions of miles, which is about thirty times as great as the mean distance from the earth to the sun.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mean distance" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    answered that; breathing hard; bring himself; clear weather; different trees; for sale; immense majority; mean annual; mean temperature; mean what; meanes whereof; meaning tone; means always; means certain; means clear the guilty; means confined; means easy; means inclined; means literally; means sure; means that; means the; means uncommon; means untried; someone else; tropical climate