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Example sentences for "misbelief"

Lexicographically close words:
misbehave; misbehaved; misbehaving; misbehavior; misbehaviour; misbelievers; misbelieving; miscalculated; miscalculation; miscalculations
  1. Every operation is a risk that we judge wise to take, and this is a malignant misbelief to be extirpated.

  2. Suppose then we held her from seeking harm elsewhere, that is something; but still even so she feels restraint, and still her misbelief goes on.

  3. After all, one can but bear witness less to convince him who won't believe than to protect him who does, as Blake puts it, enduring unbelief and misbelief and ridicule as best one may.

  4. Joseph Glanvil is dead, and will not mind unbelief and misbelief and ridicule.

  5. Here in the city of Constantine a God-denying misbelief was accompanied by an impure, man-degrading rule of life, by the slavery of woman, and the corruption of youth.

  6. And by means of these benefits of the martyrs, while the faith of the Catholic Church made increase, by so much did Arian misbelief decline.

  7. Your own misbelief hath torn them; but He hath the principal in heaven with Himself.

  8. But misbelief hath never a good word to speak of Christ.

  9. I dare not expound His dealing as sorrow and misbelief often dictate to me.

  10. But because it is your Lord's honour to believe His mercy and His fidelity, it is infinite goodness in our Lord, that misbelief giveth a dash to our Lord's glory, and not to our salvation.

  11. In France, so completely had the Waldenses monopolized the field of misbelief in the public mind that sorcery became popularly known as vauderie and witches as vaudoises.

  12. The Inquisition at first did not regard itself as having jurisdiction unless there were misbelief as to the sacraments.

  13. If I understood her aright, she was chiding us for our misbelief and preposterous delay.

  14. And so too is ignorance and misbelief about the work of His Cross, and of His Holy Spirit.

  15. After all, one can but bear witness less to convince him who won’t believe than to protect him who does, as Blake puts it, enduring unbelief and misbelief and ridicule as best one may.

  16. How had it happened that the Catholic faith was considered throughout the West the mark of the Roman subject; and the Arian misbelief the mark of the Teuton invader and governor?

  17. The violence of the Teuton, the misbelief of the Arian, the despotism of the Byzantine, were unconsciously co-operating to this result.

  18. Also, I am told that your Excellency issued a certain decree against the misbelief of the Jews, which they strove by a bribe to have modified.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "misbelief" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.