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Example sentences for "nez"

Lexicographically close words:
next; nexte; nexu; nexus; neyther; nfeld; nfold; nforce; nforced; nforcement
  1. On the 23d a Nez Perce Indian, belonging to Mr. McKay's company visited us.

  2. To the great relief of most of the party, these proved to be of the friendly Nez Perce tribe, and after a cordial greeting, they travelled on together.

  3. Some of the women in this party, particularly those of the Nez Perce nation, are rather handsome, and their persons are decked off in truly savage taste.

  4. The exigencies of the Civil War, failure of Congress to fulfil treaty stipulations, and the discovery of gold along the Snake served to change the character of the Nez Perces.

  5. Joseph stood upon his right to continue to occupy at pleasure the lands which had always belonged to the Nez Perces, and which he and his followers had never ceded.

  6. Considerably less is known of the more important wars which preceded it than of this struggle of the Nez Perces.

  7. The Modoc of northern California, and the Apache of Arizona and New Mexico fought against the inevitable, as did the Sioux and the Nez Perces.

  8. In 1873, President Grant created a Wallowa reserve for Joseph's Nez Perces, since they claimed this chiefly as their home.

  9. In 1877 the interest which had made Sitting Bull a hero in the Centennial year was transferred to Chief Joseph, leader of the non-treaty Nez Perces, in the valley of the Snake.

  10. Here we met a band of fifty Nez Perces Indians going to hunt.

  11. Thence he was to cross the Bitter Root Mountains by one of the Nez Perces trails, and proceed to Walla Walla valley and Olympia.

  12. They were singing a hymn in the Nez Percés language.

  13. These green spots are the Nez Percés, the Flat-heads, and Pend d'Oreilles.

  14. In 1861 there were said to be no less than ten thousand miners in the Nez Percé country prospecting for gold.

  15. But a few over half of the entire tribe of the Nez Percés are under treaty.

  16. The reservation secured to the Nez Percés was a fine tract of country, one hundred miles long and sixty in width—well watered, timbered, and of great natural resources.

  17. Lewis and Clarke, Governor Stevens, and Colonel Steptoe bore testimony to the devoted friendship of the Nez Percés for the white man.

  18. At this time the hostile Indians in Oregon sent word to the Nez Percés, "Join us in the war against the whites, or we will wipe you out.

  19. The earliest mention of the Nez Percés in the official records of the Indian Bureau is in the year 1843.

  20. The Nez Perces, previously alluded to, are the remnant of Chief Joseph's band, who surrendered to General Miles in 1877.

  21. Poncas, a portion of the Nez Perces, and the Otoes and Missourias.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nez" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.