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Example sentences for "pinpointed"

Lexicographically close words:
pinochle; pinole; pinon; pinons; pinpoint; pinpricks; pins; pint; pintail; pintails
  1. He objected, thinking he had already pinpointed the culprit.

  2. Only Lamplight's dome and high-intensity flashers that pinpointed its landing pads, gateways and walkways broke the moonlet's solid gray-green landscape.

  3. That is why I say I pinpointed that transfer on that boy as far as that is concerned.

  4. Mike was glad that Snookums had pinpointed the trouble first and then had gone on to show why the defect was causing the observed result.

  5. Chilblains Base, Antarctica, was directly over the South Magnetic Pole--at least, as closely as that often elusive spot could be pinpointed for any length of time.

  6. Tom's face showed clearly that Bud had pinpointed the suspicion in the young inventor's mind.

  7. The scheduled time, if pinpointed at exactly two weeks from the moment when the first message was received, would be half an hour past noon.

  8. And give me the location of the place you pinpointed with Mr. Yelchek.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pinpointed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.