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Example sentences for "place myself"

  • But even if she grant me no rights over her, yet will I place myself in her hands.

  • For I never saw you, that I can remember, and if I have done you any wrong, I place myself at your mercy.

  • The loving father begged me to excuse him, with tears in his eyes, telling me to place myself in his position.

  • She was pointing to a room adjoining the chamber in which she slept, and so situated that, to see her in every part of her room, I should not even require to place myself at the window.

  • To refuse all compromise--to accept the gauntlet which you threw down at first, and which you would now gladly take back again--to place myself in a condition of open hostility to you!

  • Ten lost battles," he replied, "would not sink me lower than you would have me place myself by my own voluntary act; but one battle gained enables me to seize Berlin and Breslau and make peace on terms compatible with my glory.

  • I place myself entirely in your hands," she replied; "but I fear such a course will be to rush into the very face of danger.

  • I place myself at your disposal," replied Garnet.

  • I place myself in your hands, good Master Heydocke, well assured of your fidelity.

  • I place myself in your hands, Mr. Dunning," said Jack.

  • Then I place myself unreservedly in your hands," said he.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "place myself" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    body weight; broadcast stations; caused the; either hand; made world; personal deity; place called; place for; place here; place name; place named; place ourselves; place prepared; place the; place them; place themselves; placed himself; placed myself; placed over; placed them; placed upon; places where; sans culottes; well dressed; whole force; write home