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Example sentences for "tland"

Lexicographically close words:
tiun; tius; tive; tives; tiyan; tman; tmosis; toad; toadflax
  1. Jütland was the most trampled province; but in Zeeland affairs were worst of all, for there the peasant was almost quite brutalized.

  2. With a single impulse, though without a leader, they fled across the marshy meadows of Vestergötland to the north.

  3. We had already ordered our men in Vestergötland to go to your relief as soon as you should need them, which now, thank God, we trust will never be.

  4. A part of the men were sent to Jütland also, and the rest were placed under Major von Adeler, but were disbanded early in November.

  5. Don't you know that Östergötland is already renowned?

  6. He had the great Östergötland plain under him, and sat and counted the many white churches which towered above the small leafy groves around them.

  7. He said that he had come to ask how it would go with Östergötland in the future.

  8. But when you tell me that in Östergötland there will always be peasants who are honour-loving and persevering, then I know also that it will be able to keep its ancient glory.

  9. But if it should go so badly that even Finspång's foundry went down in importance, then it would hardly be possible that any new thing could arise of which Östergötland might boast.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tland" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.