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Example sentences for "toadflax"

Lexicographically close words:
tland; tman; tmosis; toad; toadied; toadies; toads; toadstool; toadstools
  1. Her fingers shook a little as she took a few blossoms of creamy-yellow toadflax he had picked for her out of their vase and laid them tentatively against her gown.

  2. It was her definite rejection of the country and all it stood for; but on a gust of sentiment she picked up the toadflax blossoms and stuck them in water again--her last tribute to the memory of Ishmael.

  3. We saw, you remember, that the ivy-leaved Toadflax on the wall by the foldyard steps sent out fresh roots from its stems as it grew.

  4. In my own garden, however, the ivy-leaved Toadflax grows on some very dry old walls, and I have found it in flower in the middle of December.

  5. Neither the Toadflax nor the Red Valerian are really natives of England.

  6. The stems of the Red Valerian are tall and upright; those of the Toadflax are slender and drooping.

  7. Few, for example, would have the heart to reject the dainty little purple toadflax of Switzerland (Linaria alpina), just because it is a biennial.

  8. The Toadflax has a faint disagreeable smell, and a bitter saline taste.

  9. Unlike its relative butter-and-eggs, the corolla of this toadflax is so contracted that bees cannot enter it; but by inserting their long tongues, they nevertheless manage to drain it.

  10. Blue Toadflax is commonly found in dry, sandy fields throughout the United States and southern Canada.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "toadflax" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.