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Example sentences for "tot"

Lexicographically close words:
tosses; tossing; tossings; tost; tosto; tota; total; totaled; totaling; totalitarian
  1. Of nu dit sout eenig gebruyk in de Medicynen heeft, of hebben kan, dat sou de ervarentheyd moeten leeren, tot nog toe is het my onbekent.

  2. When I gave Tom that answer his eyes flashed bright as the stars on a frosty night, and mine, no doubt, flashed back in a reflected lustre.

  3. Lincoln stated that he could have left Kentucky at almost any time, but remained until he could find an opportunity to assist in the escape of the girl.

  4. Tom heaped up some sacking and other things upon the trunks to give the whole the appearance of a trading skiff, and as the wind was blowing in the right direction, he put up a little sail.

  5. If it was to be done at all, it had better be done soon, lest the door between us be permanently closed.

  6. If my father had done the right thing by her, he would have married her out and out, and made her his wife de jure, as she certainly was de facto.

  7. The call was readily responded to, and a good sum was contributed.

  8. I ever make you understand the dreadful gap that was now created in my sensitive heart, when dear mother and I were torn apart?

  9. Het werd mij in dat huis steeds ongemoedelijker, tot ik den derden dag van zijn ziekte eens weer in zijn slaapkamer kwam en niet wist of ik lachen of huilen moest.

  10. Hij had dezen heer schijnbaar ingelicht en was nog bezig hem in te lichten, want ik werd van het hoofd tot de voeten bekeken alsof het signalement van een misdadiger moest worden opgenomen.

  11. Dann fing ich auch zum weinen an un erzehlte ihr, wie offt ich winsche, ich wer tot oder lebte auf einer wiste Insl, damit ich meine Freinde nich in so fiele Patschn bring.

  12. This wonderful success is owing to the character of the people which a Christian Democracy breeds.

  13. Ik stap dit dus over, tot ik Eugenia in haar nieuwe verblijfplaats onder dak had gebracht en weder aan de woning mijns vaders aankwam, waar mijne komst het sein was voor groote verheuging.

  14. The use of the dumb-waiter survived the revolution in manners under the Renascence, and the wheel itself remains as a curiosity of past times in more than one Roman dwelling today.

  15. He was undoubtedly a quæstor's scribe, but it is more than doubtful whether he ever went near the Treasury or did any kind of clerk's work.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tot" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    total absence; total abstainer; total abstinence; total area; total cost; total darkness; total defeat; total depravity; total eclipse; total employment; total exports; total failure; total force; total ignorance; total loss; total population; total prohibition; total stranger; total value; total vote; total weight; total wreck; totally depraved; totally different; totally dissolved; tother side