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Example sentences for "typology"

Lexicographically close words:
typo; typographic; typographical; typographically; typography; typos; tyran; tyranni; tyrannic; tyrannical
  1. The typology of scavenger economies reveals their sources of sustenance: Conjunctural - These economies feed off historical or economic conjunctures or crises.

  2. Return The Typology of Financial Scandals Tulipmania - this is the name coined for the first pyramid investment scheme in history.

  3. It merely points up the fact that Western terminology and typology might be reexamined.

  4. The cultural validity and developmental implications of the typology presented are limited although some such considerations were discussed.

  5. The many subvarieties into which these major classes have been divided suggest they are more the product of a too elaborate or overextended typology rather than varieties that have cultural significance.

  6. A Typology and Nomenclature for New York Projectile Points.

  7. Typology (L)--a study of arrangement of specimens separated into types.

  8. Variant--in projectile point typology a variation of the type described as of the original series.

  9. Yet his typology led him, and still more many of his adherents, into fantastic exegetical errors in the prophetic treatment of the seven apocalyptic periods.

  10. Thus typology formed the basis of the Cocceian theology.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "typology" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    analysis; arrangement; division; filing; grading; grouping; placement; ranking; rating; sorting; stratification; subdivision; tabulation; taxonomy; typology