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Example sentences for "whas"

Lexicographically close words:
wharf; wharfage; wharfinger; wharfs; wharves; whase; what; whatcher; whate; whateber
  1. Item, Wymondham had entred in to Felbryge and he whas put out be the comens and like if had beden to have lost hes heed.

  2. Sir William Wyllugby whas at Risynge Castell, and yesterday he come home a yenne.

  3. Plesith your maisterschip to wit that I whas at Scole, and spake with Alblastre, John Sadeler, and with other good yomen of the contre to undrestonde how they were gided for the vetelyng of the Barge of Yermouth.

  4. Prevy Seale whas delyverd hym, weche he can not doo, for the vj.

  5. I whas purposed to be at home this nyght tell I had your bille, weche cauceth me to ride on to Drayton for divers thyngs, &c.

  6. It whas toolde me that Bacon and Gonnor whas here to speke with me for the matre that Bacon spake to you of, and at that tyme I whas at Norweche and I herde no more of hem sethen.

  7. And be cauce the corte whas warned in ther name and not in youre, therfore they purvey no money; but they have promysed me to pay no money to no man but to you, so that ye woll safe hem harmeles; and I told hem ye wold safe hem harmeles.

  8. And so Mr. John whas ther Friday all day and Saterday tyll none; and than he toke hes horse with xxx.

  9. And Thomas Fastolf whas there the same tyme that I was ther; and as I am enformed, they have delyvered my Lorde serteine evidence.

  10. Item, the scheryff tolde me that my maistre tolde hym that I whas assent to my takyng at Scoolys, weche was to me ryght greete hevynes and discomforture nough in my trouble.

  11. Norfolk; and so whas I left still at Cotton with xij.

  12. And suche tyme as they were delyvered Fitz William whas there, weche is now keper of Castre; and what tyme as my Lorde had sene the lettres, he comaunded hym to avoide, and so he did.

  13. Dey won't give me rations--dey give rations to young folks whas workin, but won't give me nary a mouthful.

  14. Folks borned wid a caul can see sperrits, an tell whas gonna happen fore it comes true.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whas" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.