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Example sentences for "whippersnapper"

Lexicographically close words:
whiplash; whiplike; whipped; whipper; whippers; whippin; whipping; whippings; whippoorwill; whippoorwills
  1. He had not been eating much lately--he had better get that little whippersnapper who attended Holly to give him a tonic.

  2. Very few Gentlemen of any Condition do now visit this Place, but plenty of the whippersnapper Sparks that Shopmen used to call Gents, and a very good Word to distinguish them, although a vile, as much as to say Snobs.

  3. I received one of them this morning, accusing the whippersnapper of all sorts of vague things, and me and my fellow trustee, who is at present enjoying himself travelling, of abetting him.

  4. This whippersnapper has a father, a parson, who can write the most offensive letters imaginable.

  5. Suppose Marna had married the first whippersnapper that came along, and he had carried her off to Australia, etc.

  6. She's not the kind that takes to any whippersnapper that comes along.

  7. Fruits fail, and love dies, and time ranges; and only the whippersnapper (that fool of Time) endureth for ever.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whippersnapper" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.