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Example sentences for "actinism"

Lexicographically close words:
actilly; actin; acting; actings; actinic; actinium; actinometer; actinomyces; actinomycosis; actio
  1. In this connection we have only to consider the [p087] application of this Actinism through the medium of a combination of lenses to form an image on a sensitized plate in the Camera.

  2. We now know that heat and light and electricity and actinism are not forces generically distinct and isolated each from the others.

  3. These progressive influences point to some law not yet discovered, which seems to link this radiant actinism with the chemical agent existing in all matter.

  4. From this it would appear that actinism and not light is to be regarded as the disturbing power.

  5. In addition to these, there are other results which we shall have to describe, which prove that, although associated in the solar beam, light and actinism are in constant antagonism.

  6. That actinism is one of the great powers of creation we have abundant proof.

  7. The influence of actinism on the animal world is not well known; but it is probable that many of the effects hitherto referred to light are in reality due to actinism.

  8. As yet, the effects of actinism have been more studied in the inanimate than the organic creation.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "actinism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    beam; patch; pencil; radiation; ray; ribbon; streak; stream; streamer