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Example sentences for "streamer"

Lexicographically close words:
streaks; streaky; stream; streame; streamed; streamers; streames; streaming; streamlet; streamlets
  1. The night was warm and I was thirsty, and I went stretching my legs clumsily and feeling my way in the darkness, to the little table where the siphon stood, while Ogilvy exclaimed at the streamer of gas that came out towards us.

  2. They seemed busy in their pit, and there was a sound of hammering and an almost continuous streamer of smoke.

  3. Over the deserted plains it tore, comet-like, a meteor preceded by a streamer of light.

  4. The air within the room was blue and reeking with the odor of stale tobacco-smoke, and the ash-receiver at his elbow was piled high with burnt offerings, one of which was now sending an evil-smelling streamer toward the ceiling.

  5. Quick as a flash the girl bent, and catching up a long streamer of damp kelp tossed it about his neck, retaining her hold on it as she ran ahead.

  6. Laughing derisively at his pawing efforts to dislodge the clammy kelp, she drew him along until the streamer broke.

  7. The light was stronger, in the east a slender streamer of carnation; the air dank, cool and still.

  8. Over all hung like a vast and black streamer a sense of panic.

  9. The wind did blow, the cloak did fly, Like streamer long and gay, Till, loop and button failing both, At last it flew away.

  10. What is the "red streamer that heralds the day"?

  11. Looking in that direction, he could see nothing but a heavy streamer of smoke tailing away to the north, plainly showing that the steamer was on a course that would intercept the "destroyer.

  12. However, he entered upon his task without further thought of the consequences, letting his eyes sweep from right to left over the grey waters, and lingering here and there on a sail or a streamer of smoke.

  13. Yes, sir; but there appears to be a strong streamer of smoke on the port side.

  14. All of you must have a streamer on your rakes when the last load goes to be stacked.

  15. Charley walked at the head, a long red streamer on his whip.

  16. The streamer coils like a snake, the letters are of gold, attractive for every one to read.

  17. The next day I--like a sinner--set off to Sokolniki, and did actually see the tent with the streamer and the inscription.

  18. The mountains had stood out nobly clear during the entire day, but towards evening, upon the Dom, a singular cloud settled, which was finally drawn into a long streamer by the wind.

  19. This higher region was without a cloud; the arrowy streamer that had shot across the firmament during our ascent, first reduced to feathery streaks, had long since melted utterly away.

  20. By this time each of the neighbouring peaks had unfolded a cloud banner, remaining clear to windward, but having a streamer hooked on to its summit and drawn far out into space by the moist south wind.

  21. Besides the white ensign the ship of war flies a long streamer from the maintopgallant masthead.

  22. Now, however, the pennant is a long white streamer with the St George's cross in the inner portion close to the mast.

  23. Perigee, although it was not by far so bright, nor its streamer shining as this hath appeared.

  24. That streamer of smoke had grown; it was a black smudge against the sky when the two gained the deck, and at sight of it the general shouted: "My ship!

  25. It caused the sailors to look with concern upon that thin, low streamer in the distance; it led them to go aft in a body finally and speak their minds.

  26. As it was, many a bullet, shot at random, whizzed through the cords to which I clung, and once a great booming shot tore away the streamer at the mast-head.

  27. In a rock-walled gulch, far above the head of Sunrise CaƱon, a fire was burning, its thin smoke streamer riding on a vagrant breeze.

  28. And when, as soon as the dancing was in earnest, a young fellow had to let his streamer go in turning his partner, some one caught it and a merry shout rang through the group.

  29. And you watched me and lost your streamer twice.

  30. Pierre threw his streamer with a sleight of hand one would hardly have looked for, and caught it again amid the cheers of his companions.

  31. Hugh Pallent had caught a streamer and held out his hand to Rose.

  32. Against morning sky a black streamer rested, then gradually trailed to invisible distance, as broadside perspective dropped away.

  33. A streamer of black smoke floated across the morning sky; already there were signs of departure.

  34. Both these and the Egyptian standards often have in addition a small flag-like streamer attached to the staff immediately below the device.

  35. The Lion had at the foremast the plain red streamer seen at Fig.

  36. In mediaeval days many devices were introduced, the streamer being made of sufficient width to allow of their display.

  37. From Blackwater to Wild Rose Wash the dust rose up in clouds, each streamer boring on towards the north; and already the first stampeders had passed out of sight in their rush for the Black Point strike.

  38. But the pack-train went on like a tireless automaton that no human power could stay and when he raised his head it was a streamer of dust, a speck on the far horizon.

  39. Waterbury shot out his big fist, and little Garrison thumped on the turf with a bang, a thin streamer of blood threading its way down his gray-white face.

  40. Swallow, with a thin streamer of blood threading its way from her nostrils, was a beaten horse; a game, plucky, beaten favorite.

  41. The eminent lawyer attentively scrutinized the blue streamer from his cigar.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "streamer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.