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Example sentences for "ad"

Lexicographically close words:
acuter; acutest; acutis; acuto; acwoss; adage; adages; adal; adamant; adamantine
  1. I never see, mais ad the same time the moz rilligious man.

  2. I swear I thing you can make money to preach thad sermon many time ad the theatre St. Philippe.

  3. Compare what may be read almost as the dying admonitions of Theobald to the king: "Suggerunt vobis filii saeculi hujus, ut ecclesiae minuatis auctoritatem, ut vobis regni dignitas augeatur.

  4. Fitz-Stephen is most full and particular on the chancellorship of Becket.

  5. On the whole, it shows the moderation and good sense of the empress, who disapproved of some of the Constitutions, and especially of their being written, but speaks strongly of the abuses in the Church.

  6. The archdeaconry of Canterbury was worth 100 pounds of silver a-year.

  7. This cannot be right, as the letter implies that Alexander was in Rome, where he arrived not before Nov.

  8. May 10, to the Archbishop of Rouen, denouncing the dealings of Henry with the Emperor and the Antipope.

  9. Both are the inevitable result of the original distribution of matter in the primitive chaos, a distribution fixed by a rational and foreknowing Being (p.

  10. The difference comes out clearly in the development of the individual.

  11. Però tu non farai che adempiere ad un sacro dovere civile, adoperandoti in modo e per quanto ti sia possibile che non intervengano dei danni fra i tuoi ed i miei concittadini, che io amo piú della mia vita.

  12. Naude mentions, that in France it drove many persons almost mad: 'In Gallia parum afuit quin ad insaniam homines non paucos periculi metu (diluvium) adegerit.

  13. This goddess is indeed originally a chaste virgin; but in Tyre and Assyria she also assumes the character of Birth-goddess, and is variously served by strict chastity, by sacrifice of children, and by prostitution of virginity.

  14. To the same class belongs the Moon-worship of the ancient Arabs, which is sufficiently attested.

  15. I mention this with especial reference to the name Ḳayin (Cain), which denotes Smith.

  16. The library is working under the auspices of the International Bible Students' Association headquarters, Brooklyn, N.

  17. Do you stamp fiction and non-fiction on the same card?

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ad" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    adapt himself; add that; added she; added unto; added with; adding more; adding pepper and salt; adding that; address them; adequate domestic; adequate idea; adequate system; adjust themselves; adjusting screw; admiralty court; admit the; adopted child; adopted father; adult females; adult male; advance from; advanced guard; advanced towards; advancing towards; advise you; advised them