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Example sentences for "adoun"

Lexicographically close words:
adorneth; adorning; adornment; adornments; adorns; adown; adpressed; adrad; adread; adrenal
  1. Thai kneled adoun al y fere,[104] And praid him yif his wille were, That he no schuld nought from hem go.

  2. When he hadde biholden al that thing, He kneled adoun bifor the king; O Lord, he seyd, yif it thi wille were, Mi menstraci thou schust y here.

  3. The breche adoun he threst, He ritt, and gan to right.

  4. He foyneth on his feet with his tronchoun, And he him hurtleth with his hors adoun .

  5. With this he stente, and caste adoun the heed, And she bigan to breste a-wepe anoon.

  6. For he wolde that mankinde were most worthy and noble of any othre erthely thinges; and ye threste adoun your 100 dignitees benethe the lowest thinges.

  7. With that he smoot his heed adoun anoon, 540 And gan to motre, I noot what, trewely.

  8. She ran distraught, she wept, she sicht, She wept the sma brids frae the tree, She wept the starns adoun frae the lift, She wept the fish out o the sea.

  9. And to the tree she goth a ful good pas, For love made her so hardy in this cas; And by the welle adoun she gan her dresse.

  10. This messagere adoun him gan to hye, And fond Iasoun, and Ercules also, 1480 That in a cogge to londe were y-go Hem to refresshen and to take the eyr.

  11. Here have I eten many a mery meel'; And fro the bench he droof awey the cat, 1775 And leyde adoun his potente and his hat, And eek his scrippe, and sette him softe adoun.

  12. For whan she saugh that Romayns wan the toun, She took hir children alle, and skipte adoun In-to the fyr, and chees rather to dye Than any Romayn dide hir vileinye.

  13. Adoun he gooth, and tolde his maister sone (260) In what array he saugh this ilke man.

  14. The pypes of his longes gonne to swelle, And every lacerte in his brest adoun Is shent with venim and corrupcioun.

  15. Than wolde she sitte adoun upon the grene, And pitously in-to the see biholde, And seyn right thus, with sorweful sykes colde: 862.

  16. He bad hem sitte ther adoun · for to take reste; And bad hem ete and drinke · and that of the beste.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "adoun" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.