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Example sentences for "allowe"

Lexicographically close words:
allow; allowable; allowably; allowance; allowances; allowed; allowes; alloweth; allowing; allows
  1. But whether the Prophet did except and allowe this kind of reuerence or no, there is no expresse mention.

  2. Have sepperated not only from the Church, But Crowne of England; and allowe of noe appeale from theire Courts, nor the Lawes of England to have any force amongst them.

  3. It is ordered, that it shalbe lawfull for any man to kill any swine that comes into his corne: the party that ownes the swine is to have them, being kild, and allowe recompence for the damage they doe, etc.

  4. Treasurer, Counsell and Company that, albeit it belongeth to them onely to allowe or to abrogate any lawes which we shall here make .

  5. Wee allowe private meetings for edification in religion amongst Christians of all sortes of people.

  6. He thinks himself greate Yet an asse in his state, We allowe by his ears but with asses to mate.

  7. Mr. Curle demaunded of Wake a marke which he layd out for him when they rede with the reader; his aunswere was he lived upon exhibicion, he could not tell whether his friends would allowe him soe much for that purpose.

  8. That they do not communicate / with the vnfaythfull in their supersticiõs and idolatries / nor iet do so mutch as outwardly to seame to allowe them.

  9. And who will thĩcke that Godd doth allowe theise thinges?

  10. What yf the hygher Prince wil not allowe me to do myne office / or doth reuoke this parte of myne office?

  11. And therfore we do not allowe whẽ mariages frẽdshippes and leagues are broken without necessitie / and vnder an vntrue pretence of religion.

  12. Every apprentice was to be presented to the Court that they might “uppon the sight of him allowe hymme to be cleane in pˀson and Lymme and meete for the excersycinge of the same mysterye.

  13. A Mynute of certeyn letteres responsyve to on at Rome A mynute of a Lettere to intymate to the Pope the Kinges desyre to haue him condiscend to the dyvorce & to allowe the second maryage.

  14. Or, "tast you of this or of that:" I doe not allowe of these fashions, although they be commonly received and used of all men.

  15. God should call her as if she were w{i}th her, and in testimony of her good likinge of her seruice she would allowe her forty shillings yearly towarde her maintainance as longe as herself should liue.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "allowe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    allowed himself; allowed myself; allowed them