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Example sentences for "alloweth"

Lexicographically close words:
allowance; allowances; allowe; allowed; allowes; allowing; allows; alloy; alloyed; alloying
  1. It requires the new incumbent to subscribe “that he alloweth the Book of Articles to be agreeable to the Word of God,” thereby giving a positive acknowledgment of their truth.

  2. Stand to your liberties, for the word of God alloweth you a vote in choosing your pastor.

  3. We dream of hunger in Christ's house while we are here, although He alloweth feasts to all the bairns within God's household.

  4. For I am as one kept under a strict tutor; I would have more than my tutor alloweth me.

  5. Madam, your Ladyship knoweth what Christ hath done to have all your love; and that He alloweth not His love[319] upon your dear child.

  6. He alloweth them not now to call him Lord.

  7. And therefore Pliny much forgets the strictness of his assertion, when he alloweth excrements unto that Animal, that feedeth only upon Air; which notwithstanding with the urine of an Ass, he commends as a magicall Medicine upon our enemies.

  8. God alloweth poor creatures that can, without lying, thus to plead and argue with him.

  9. That law which alloweth comparative re-offending, so as to kill rather than be killed, teacheth resistance: but so the law of nature alloweth, except we be guilty of murder in the culpable omission of self defence.

  10. As also, he alloweth private persons liberty to deny subsidies and tribute to the prince, when he employeth it to the destruction of the commonwealth.

  11. Therefore he alloweth his friends to drink abundantly, Cant.

  12. But necessary abbreviation alloweth me to say no more of these.

  13. When you grow up, by the direction of your parents choose such a trade or calling, as alloweth you the greatest helps for heaven, and hath the fewest hinderances, and in which you may be most serviceable to God before you die.

  14. A service which alloweth you no time at all to pray, or read the Scripture, or mind your everlasting state, is a life more fit for beasts than men.

  15. I speak not this of those persons whose temper alloweth them not to weep: for there may be as deep a regard and sorrow in some that have no tears, as in others that abound with them.

  16. Whoso alloweth himself to be shut out from Him is indeed a leper, who shall not be remembered in the Kingdom of God, the Mighty, the All-Praised.

  17. And God himself, who allowed the Israelites, and still alloweth us to bring our children into his covenant, doth it on this supposition, that we promise also to go on to do our duty for them, and that we actually do it.

  18. Such a person alloweth you to judge that if the temptation serve, he will do any thing that the devil bids him: and that he is virtually a compound of all iniquity, and prepared for every evil work.

  19. Because the liturgy alloweth private baptism, and restraineth not any number from being present, nor the minister from instructing them in the use of baptism (which is the sum of christianity).

  20. But a child, wife, or such as are not free, must trust on God's help in the use of such means as he alloweth them.

  21. The Lord alloweth the righteous: but the ungodly, and him that delighteth in wickedness, doth his soul abhor.

  22. If he bee a Christian, he alloweth the beleefe of this Article, that Jesus Is The Christ; and of all the Articles that are contained in, or are evident consequence deduced from it: which is all the Faith Necessary to Salvation.

  23. The Assembly alloweth this article, and recommends to the Parliament, that they would appoint a pecuniall summe to be payed by the contraveeners.

  24. The Assembly alloweth this article, and remits the same to the Parliament.

  25. To urge the keeping of the Acts anent the keeping of the Assembly, that it may have the own reverence and majestie—” The Assembly having heard the whole act read, most unanimously alloweth and approveth this article.

  26. In confirmation of which opinion of mine, the customary style of my language alloweth them the denomination of presage women.

  27. Minister answered, "They say thou didst proclaim that whoso alloweth the gazelle to spring over his head, that man shall be put to death.

  28. King cried, "Whoso alloweth yon gazelle to spring over his head and loseth her, that man will I surely slay.

  29. On such condition he alloweth them to live by the counsel of Joseus, and they cast away their arms and yield up the bridges at his will.

  30. Perceval alloweth that this is well and seemly, and pleaseth him much of that he seeth the lion do, nor never before had he seen any beast that he might love and prize so highly as this one.

  31. Perceval alloweth him everything therein at his will.

  32. Now a great peril alloweth not of a coward: and forasmuch as men must die, wherefore should one sit vainly in the dark through a dull and nameless age, and without lot in noble deeds?

  33. But to tell over all that Hermes lord of games hath given to Herodotos by his horses, the short space of my hymn alloweth not.

  34. Dr Mortoune(688) plainly alloweth of images for historical commemoration; and herein he is followed by Dr Burges.

  35. I confess my own nature was as much addicted to playfulness as most: and my judgment alloweth me so much recreation as is needful to my health and labour (and no more).

  36. Go presently (in the manner that the place alloweth you) to prayer to God for pardon and grace against the sin.

  37. Because God alloweth me not ever to separate them; though there is a degree of just self-loathing or self-hatred, in deep repentance.

  38. God hath not set you work which he alloweth you no time for.

  39. But thy sin alloweth me to ask thee, whether at thy dying hour it will be any comfort to thee to remember thy pastimes?

  40. Or when reason alloweth and requireth us to forbear our usual labour for our health, or for some other sufficient cause.

  41. And if, indeed, the crime be such as deserveth death, you may be the executioner when the law alloweth it.

  42. God alloweth they may resist the penalty, that is, by flying: for properly there is neither debitum obedientiae nec poenae.

  43. Christ alloweth us to forbear the casting of pearls before swine, or giving that which is holy to dogs, because of these two reasons forementioned, It is no means to the contemptuous, and they will turn again and all to rend us.

  44. Nature alloweth him no other selling of him, than what is for his child's own good.

  45. And, if there be any one Who alloweth not the worth Which my Muse hath painted forth; Hold it no defect in Her!

  46. Their Kalender also alloweth them more Holy-dayes, then are warranted by the Church, our lawes, or their owne profit.

  47. So, if they hold aloof from you and wage not war against you and offer you peace, Allah alloweth you no way against them.

  48. P: On the day when the angels and the Spirit stand arrayed, they speak not, saving him whom the Beneficent alloweth and who speaketh right.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alloweth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.