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Example sentences for "allowed"

Lexicographically close words:
allowable; allowably; allowance; allowances; allowe; allowes; alloweth; allowing; allows; alloy
  1. This Finow was a sceptic; he allowed that there were gods, because he himself had occasionally been inspired by them; "but what the priests tell us about their power over mankind I believe to be all false".

  2. What else did any one ever suppose the mores of a people to be, plus whatever may be allowed for the effects of kindliness, or love, which certainly exists?

  3. He concludes that the Americans might have become as sensible as the Greeks if they had been allowed the leisure.

  4. Much to the disappointment of the crew, no one was allowed ashore, and though the town did not offer much in the way of diversion or entertainment, it was a new country and a new people for the majority, and all were naturally curious.

  5. If you recall, he was allowed in the armory as a favor, and to-day two revolvers are missing from there; also the governess says the last man who disappeared had on two revolvers.

  6. By your order the men are not allowed in the towns of Dewey or Roosevelt, and every day that liberty parties are ashore I have had patrols along the trails to stop men going in that direction.

  7. Besides, Dick, you are pretty young to be allowed to start out on such a hard life.

  8. To begin with, you won't be allowed to have any cit clothing on shipboard," said the Sergeant.

  9. No sighting shots allowed at either of these ranges.

  10. Reports now began coming in from all points that the revolution was toppling, and soon those who were still under arms were pleading to be allowed to surrender and go to their homes and former occupations.

  11. In service, meals are quickly over, and no loitering is allowed at tables, especially on inspection day.

  12. By Navy Regulations one mess-man is allowed for every twenty men in the mess.

  13. Another thing that Roland would perhaps be allowed to bear no longer was--immunity from his debts.

  14. Good soil was there to work upon, as there was in the Channings; but, in the case of the Yorkes, it was allowed to run to waste, or to generate weeds.

  15. Why, if the organist wanted ever so much to stop in after dark, when the college is locked up for the night, he wouldn't be allowed to do it!

  16. Wherever I go, I must have that privilege allowed me.

  17. You see, Caroline, the princess was not allowed to waste her mornings in bed, although she was destined to be the first lady in the land.

  18. Away went the bishop as quickly as the gloom allowed him, and away went the other two in his wake.

  19. At any rate, there's an impression running through the school that merit and conduct, taken together, will be allowed fair play.

  20. But had old Ketch's temper allowed him to go into a little more questioning, he might have discovered the trick.

  21. They may be trained to perfectness, or they may be allowed to run to waste from neglect.

  22. I am aware that I am not strong, sir," acknowledged Jenkins to Mr. Galloway, with a deprecatory glance towards his wife to be allowed to speak.

  23. Samson ran to St Iltud to tell the news, with tears in his eyes, and begged to be allowed to attempt the cure of the monk.

  24. His request to be allowed to depart was most unwillingly granted by the Queen, who at the leave-taking loaded him with gifts.

  25. He has allowed the Franks to decapitate me, but for a time only, and as you see me now I am only a phantom.

  26. He and Yvon became very good friends, and the latter begged to be allowed to accompany him on his journey the following day.

  27. This house has been allowed to go to ruin since its son and heir quitted it.

  28. He allowed a title to be given him, without which he could not hope for success.

  29. Jesus allowed it with pleasure to be given to him, although it might cause him some embarrassment, his birth being well known.

  30. Jesus did not speak against the Mosaic law, but it is clear that he saw its insufficiency, and allowed it to be seen that he did so.

  31. But the aristocrats of Jerusalem, who despised him, had allowed simple men to take him for a prophet.

  32. But the tower of Antonia, the headquarters of the Roman forces, commanded the whole enclosure, and allowed all that passed therein to be seen.

  33. They allowed everything up to the point when they thought it necessary to be severe.

  34. Perhaps they made use of a recognized right of forcing labor, the Romans not being allowed to carry the infamous wood.

  35. Boxes were burned after their contents had been transferred to others; no one was allowed to burden the caravan with unnecessary articles.

  36. On September 7, at daybreak, six miserable jades were picked out from the hired horses, and, as their loads were already consumed, were allowed to return home with their two guides.

  37. Just before starting we saw our Ladakis lying full length by the overflow of the spring thoroughly quenching their thirst, and the horses were allowed as much water as they liked.

  38. There the orchestra seats itself, the forty drums are held up parallel to one another, and likewise the trumpets, which are now allowed to slope down to the pavement.

  39. Only Robert and I were allowed to ride, so that we had 3 spare horses; but in the evening the loads were so distributed that all the animals carried something, except the sickly ones.

  40. The poor things perhaps thought they could find better grass than our hard-heartedness allowed them.

  41. Henceforth Puppy was allowed to live in my tent, and we became the best friends in the world, for I was as anxious and careful about the young ones as she.

  42. They are allowed to marry only within the guild of corpse-bearers, and their children may not engage in any other occupation but that of their fathers, so that the calling is hereditary.

  43. Rabsang was up at the tents this morning, and allowed himself to be frightened by a Tibetan, who told him that we should be forced to remain where we are, for we had no right to travel southwards to Naktsang.

  44. Then the light is allowed to burn till it flickers out.

  45. If ever the Dalai Lama returns safely to Lhasa, he must content himself with the reverence accorded to him in the Potala as an incarnation, and he will not be allowed to have anything further to do with political affairs.

  46. Tundup Sonam, the "Grand Court Huntsman" of the caravan, begged to be allowed to go out shooting, and was given four cartridges.

  47. Yesterday I was not to be allowed to take a single step southwards, and to-day I was requested to start as soon as possible to the forbidden land.

  48. Then Sir Walter was to be allowed two men servants and a boy, who were to remain within the Tower.

  49. He also waived the immediate forfeitureof property acquired under Elizabeth's reign, and even allowed Raleigh to complete the entail of certain estates to his wife and son.

  50. As no English plantation between the Spanish and the French possessions in North America at the time of the accession of James was maintained the patent was allowed nominally to remain in force.

  51. England's claim to Newfoundland and Labrador, through discovery by the Cabots, had been allowed to lapse chiefly from the Protestant doctrine of non-occupation.

  52. He was not editor, the work of arranging the paper being in other hands; but he was allowed to write as much as he pleased, and practically what he pleased.

  53. The taste was what one may imagine to be the taste of the root of any rotten tree dipped in tar, which was subsequently allowed to dry.

  54. That's faster than you're allowed to go, isn't it?

  55. No boy, unless he was a prefect, would be allowed till further notice to cross the town bridge.

  56. But he was not allowed much leisure for pondering on the future.

  57. It explained that he had taken up boxing of late, and ended with a request that he might be allowed to act as Drummond's understudy in the House competitions.

  58. If he allowed himself to be manoeuvred into an awkward position, only his own skill, or the call of time, could extricate him from it.

  59. That we are correct in ascribing the results, especially in endurance, to dietetic causes alone, cannot reasonably be doubted when it is considered that no other factors of known significance were allowed to aid in this result.

  60. A clerk will do more work, and do it more effectively, if he is occasionally allowed something else to do than to foot up columns.

  61. In rooms where people are moving about, the temperature should not be allowed to rise above 65 degrees.

  62. In ordinary offices or dwelling rooms, the temperature should not be allowed to rise above 68 degrees and adequate ventilation should be provided.

  63. The plaint of Darwin that he had allowed his taste for music and poetry to atrophy could to-day be made by many intellectual specialists.

  64. No empty tin cans should be allowed to collect about the kitchen door; they gather rain-water and soon breed mosquitoes.

  65. Sidenote: The Temporary Teeth] The temporary teeth should not be allowed to be removed by decay.

  66. Sidenote: Air-fans] Air should never be allowed to become stagnant.

  67. Sidenote: Tuberculosis Germs] The germ of tuberculosis is probably conveyed oftenest through the sputum of consumptives, when this sputum has been allowed to dry, has become pulverized and is breathed into the system.

  68. In no case was it allowed to override the dictates of appetite.

  69. Evidently the long suppressed spirit of the lad had broken bounds, and for once he allowed himself to be natural.

  70. Inch by inch he allowed the bush to slip through his hands, looking down as well as he was able at the same time, in order to ascertain just how near he might be to that same ledge Hugh had told him of.

  71. They were allowed a certain latitude as to their methods of running.

  72. She never ceased talking upon all sorts of elevating subjects; and where other boys were allowed to lead normal lives, and have lots of innocent if strenuous fun during vacations, and holidays, poor Claude led a life of bondage.

  73. Sometimes she allowed me to make small ones, which I pressed with geranium leaves; but one day, being a little out of humor, she refused to let me have the rennet unless I could find it.

  74. My grandmother was very fond of it frizzled; and Venus being quite au fait in the manufacture of this dish, the old lady never allowed any one else to make it for her.

  75. The young ones were banished to the nursery; and, as they were no longer allowed to spend their days in eating, there was far less sickness among them, and our family doctor's bill decreased amazingly.

  76. The old lady fairly over-flowed with the milk of human kindness, and allowed me to put her things in disorder as often as I chose.

  77. They were the admiration of the kitchen; and even Aunt Henshaw and Cousin Statia allowed that ear-rings were a great improvement; and I began to think that on my return home they would even throw Ellen Tracy's curls into the shade.

  78. She was an excellent servant, and having been a long time in the family, Aunt Henshaw allowed her to have pretty much her own way.

  79. I was allowed to examine all these things at my leisure; and when I departed, it was with a firm conviction that Mr. Eylton was far more agreeable than his wife.

  80. I gave Henry a little pincushion, which I made on purpose for him, and not knowing what to present Fred with, I allowed him to rip open my second-best doll, which was still in quite a good state of preservation.

  81. We cannot wonder that the parish churches were allowed to go to decay.

  82. Habitations were to be found for all the poor belonging to a parish; no strangers were to be allowed to settle in a parish; and each parish was to be taxed for the relief of the poor.

  83. At that time a great tract of land between St. Albans and London belonged to the Abbey, and the abbot allowed Saxon outlaws to infest it, who were a great nuisance to the Normans.

  84. In some instances they were allowed to have part of an old ruin, which they patched up and turned into a schoolroom, and some of these queer old rooms continued in use for many generations.

  85. There he remained, year after year, until custom allowed him to look upon it as his own; and in time it actually became his private property.

  86. These new men, and even the king's own friends and supporters, were not allowed to keep bands of armed servants or retainers, able to turn the scale of a battle against the king.

  87. Just a very few of the old alms-houses were allowed to continue their work, like St. Cross at Winchester, and some schools and colleges were founded.

  88. Most of them were allowed to keep their estates if they took the oath of allegiance to the king as the Normans did.

  89. In such cases the school fell to a low ebb, the number of scholars dwindled, and the buildings were allowed to fall to decay.

  90. The first railway which Parliament allowed to be laid in the South of England was the "Surrey Iron Railway".

  91. In the course of time, many of the smaller ones especially, which have been neglected and allowed to fall into bad repair, become dangerous to live in.

  92. The man employed to do the actual work was allowed to select his own materials and carry out his own ideas pretty much in his own way.

  93. He, in return, would grant to the town the right to collect the tolls and customs payable to him for a term of years; or perhaps on condition that they allowed him so much every year out of the tolls collected.

  94. Here we spent the remainder of the day, but not being allowed to plunder the cars did not have the satisfaction of replacing our worn-out garments with the new ones in sight.

  95. When it was thought that sufficient time had been allowed for them to make the detour, our whole line moved forward, the rest of the battery several hundred yards to our left.

  96. Here we were kindly supplied with food, and, as the house was full, were allowed to sleep soundly on the floor.

  97. Sleep did not seem to enter into Jackson's calculations, or time was regarded as too precious to be allowed for it.

  98. One time he had allowed himself to go to sleep before finding it, and the other time he had got too much awake.

  99. The Church which allowed itself to become little more than the organ of national religion has failed.

  100. Frere,[#] and as his speech has been very widely misunderstood, I think I may be allowed to refer briefly to the points he raised.

  101. I was myself one of those who had allowed concern for social reform, and internal problems generally, to occupy my mind almost to the exclusion of foreign questions.

  102. She allowed herself but one dress a year.

  103. The address and manners of a courtier are allowed Marquis de Gallo by all who know him, though few admit that he possesses any talents as a statesman.

  104. However, Mr. Wood afterwards allowed Daniel to have a place to live in our yard, which we were very thankful for.

  105. This sum was allowed him out of the profits arising from the salt works.

  106. English marriage is not allowed to slaves; and no free man can marry a slave woman.

  107. He allowed sensual pleasures to dominate him.

  108. The angel reproached Joshua in particular with having allowed the preparations for war to interfere with the study of the Torah and with the ritual service.

  109. Mindful of the perils to which Esther was exposed, Mordecai allowed no day to pass without assuring himself of her well-being.

  110. God had allowed him to be deceived, in order to punish Samuel for his excessive self-consciousness in calling himself the seer.

  111. The woman had come home very late on Friday evening, having allowed herself to be detained by the sermon preached by Rabbi Meir.

  112. It was also very strange that the king never by any chance allowed his foot to be seen, for fear, of course, of betraying his demon origin.

  113. In this he resembled his master Elijah; he allowed wrath and zeal to gain the mastery over him.

  114. After a few moments the boy Ranald slipped away after him to beg that he might be allowed to go with him to-morrow.

  115. It was not often the lieutenant allowed himself the luxury of excitement, but the lumberman running his timber slipped his pike pole and found himself balancing on the edge of open water.

  116. In silence Donald Ross, who was leading, drove up his team to the little garden gate and allowed the great Macdonald and Dannie to alight.

  117. The choosing went on till every one present was taken, not even Aunt Kirsty being allowed to remain neutral in the coming games.

  118. He contented himself with gratifying his daughter's fancies and indulging her in every way allowed him by her system of training and education.

  119. But we are allowed and commanded to discern the state of the heart by the fruits.

  120. And with this Macdonald Bhain was content, and when he told Yankee, the latter came as near to excitement as he ever allowed himself.

  121. It was always an ordeal for her to face her class, ever since the men had been allowed to come, and the first moments were full of trial to her.

  122. After consideration, Coley decided that the night classes might afford a not unpleasant alternative on cold nights, to alley-ways and saloons, and he allowed the gang to join.

  123. For a mile they kept side by side till they reached the Camerons' lane, when Ranald held in the colt and allowed the pony to lead.

  124. Whatever Dick Jackson became, he had strong temptations when he was young, which will be allowed for hereafter.

  125. I had just allowed the door to close, and was admiring the exceeding neatness of the workmanship, when another of the family returned home, signifying his arrival, and obtaining admittance in a manner at once novel and singular.

  126. Only that I may be allowed to see my benefactress, to pour out at her feet my heart's gratitude.

  127. Still the caldron was being stirred, still the fire was goaded to new efforts, but the metal was not yet ready to be allowed to flow.

  128. What gives to the present collection a unique interest is that they are entirely impromptu productions, three hours being the limit allowed for their completion.

  129. Why was he not allowed to pursue his destiny?

  130. Kings shall lay their crowns at your feet; the wealthy shall hasten to throw open their treasure for your acceptance; those who have nothing else shall beg to be allowed to offer their lives.

  131. Could I not be allowed to suffer alone without inviting all this multitude to share my punishment?

  132. What I should like to be able to tell Nikhil frankly is, that happenings such as these must be looked in the face--as great Realities--and that which is the Truth should not be allowed to stand between true friends.

  133. The Marwari shopkeepers were offering to pay a penalty, if only allowed to clear their present stocks.

  134. Blame your fate which allowed you no choice, but made you take me blindfold.

  135. Nikhil may have had his share of Bengal's greatest gift-- imagination, but he has allowed it to be overshadowed and nearly killed by an exotic conscientiousness.

  136. Had I been in my senses I should have allowed myself to be torn to pieces rather than assert my claim to that, at such a time.

  137. Polygamy was allowed as a concession to their immature stage of development: and practices in war and in domestic law were permitted or enjoined which were inconsistent with absolute morality.

  138. It need not, therefore, surprise us that we are often allowed to remain for years in a state of suspense, uncertain about the future, feeling that we need more light and yet unable to find it.

  139. And though the Prince of Wales was a few years ago allowed to enter the mosque, he was not permitted to make any examination of the vaults beneath, where the original tomb must be.

  140. Abraham no doubt fully recognised his duty in this respect, but he had allowed Isaac to pass the usual age.

  141. But the Lord was with Joseph, and allowed him mercy, and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison.

  142. No sooner had he allowed Lot to choose his portion than God gave him assurance that the whole would be his.

  143. John Stuart Mill says: "It must be allowed that in the present state of our knowledge the adaptations in nature afford a large balance of probability in favour of creation by intelligence.

  144. And your perplexity will not be allowed to last longer than it is needful.

  145. But there he was, in actual flesh and blood, full of life and interest in everything, daily getting deeper into the affections of Abram, who allowed and could not but allow his own life to revolve very much around the dashing, attractive lad.

  146. And they learned also from the Flood that wickedness must not be allowed to grow unchecked and attain dimensions which nothing short of a flood can cope with.

  147. He suggested and gained another important concession--that those of the cavalry and artillery who owned their own horses should be allowed to take them home to put in their crops; and wrote a brief reply accepting the terms.

  148. This done, each officer and man will be allowed to return to their homes, not to be disturbed by United States authority so long as they observe their parole and the laws in force where they may reside.

  149. I have known just as little of these things as my friends have allowed me to know.

  150. That body admitted to seats senators and representatives from the provisional State governments of West Virginia and Missouri; and also allowed Senator Andrew Johnson of Tennessee to retain his seat, and admitted Horace Maynard and Andrew J.

  151. The same message contained the further definition: "The people of Virginia have thus allowed this giant insurrection to make its nest within her borders; and this government has no choice left but to deal with it where it finds it.

  152. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "allowed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    allowed himself; allowed myself; allowed them