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Example sentences for "missing"

Lexicographically close words:
misseth; misshapen; missi; missile; missiles; missio; mission; missionaries; missionary; missioned
  1. I have heard that thy shepherds that were with us in the desert were shearing: we never molested them, neither was there ought missing to them of the flock at any time, all the while they were with us in Carmel.

  2. And there was nothing missing small or great, neither of their sons or their daughters, nor of the spoils, and whatsoever they had taken, David recovered all.

  3. In his hopeless quest of the missing Mornie, he had, in fancy, seen this serene eminence haunting his remorseful, passion-stricken soul.

  4. It was missing the next day, and never could be found: he must have mislaid it here.

  5. At last she made a sudden spring and endeavoured to seize his arm; but, missing her aim, he immediately struck her with his fist and began to stab her.

  6. The hypothesis of course is, that Mr. Hardcastle had in some manner possessed himself of the things the missing man had about his person," pursued Mr. Arkell.

  7. The description he gave of these tallied with the persons of the missing man and Mr. Hardcastle.

  8. There's not much to choose between you and Dad and me, when it comes to missing Jim.

  9. Only there was missing the wild merriment of the first few weeks, when Jim and Wally dashed in and out perpetually and kept the house in a simmer of uncertainty and laughter.

  10. A tall old man in knickerbockers greeted her: Squire Brand, who owned a famous property a few miles away, and who had the reputation of never missing a meet, although he did not ride.

  11. I found these 'ere this morning when she was in the kitchen: I'd been missing bottles from the cellar.

  12. But I knew not of all this, as missing him on looking back, I thought he had been detained to receive thinner apparel, for he was very weak, and could hardly walk under his load of garments.

  13. In this place they erected several huts for their accommodation during winter; and they one day found in the thickets a German named Tyrker, one of their own people, who had wandered among the woods and been missing for some time.

  14. Pathfinder; or, The Missing Tenderfoot Some mysteries are cleared up in a most unexpected way, greatly to the credit of our young friends.

  15. It's just where you left it," answered Mary, who had arrived ten minutes before and had been helping Jerry hunt for the missing hat.

  16. Nellie had received no word of her missing brother, and Jack and Tom had no encouragement for her.

  17. So it came about that, some time after he had been posted as missing and when it was surely thought that he was dead, Harry Leroy was found to be among the living, though a prisoner.

  18. It contained some personal belongings of Allied airmen who had been missing for the past week.

  19. Letters had passed between Bessie and Nellie and Jack and Tom, and the sister of the missing youth begged for news.

  20. Returning almost in despair because he could get no trace of his missing chum, he had discovered from the smoke that some one was occupying the dugout; after that it took him just five seconds to reach the door, and open the same.

  21. As he tried to squirm out of the way of the charging buck, he felt a thrill of horror when the antlers of the beast were thrust under him, just missing his flesh, as it were, by an inch.

  22. The torrent burst past and upward with a southward inclination, clean as a missing bullet.

  23. They had passed several settlements of more or less importance, but not a sign of the missing houseboat appeared.

  24. Two days after the missing houseboat was found there was a re-union on board in which all of our friends took part.

  25. The proprietor of the hotel was a bit curious to learn the cause of their unexpected appearance and became interested when Dick told him about the missing houseboat.

  26. As speedily as possible, messages were sent to the Lanings and to Mrs. Stanhope, carrying the news of the girls' safety and the recovery of the missing houseboat.

  27. To go back to the stock farm with the news that both the girls and the houseboat were missing was extremely distasteful to them.

  28. All the boys were highly excited, and Sam was for making a search for the missing houseboat without delay.

  29. The night was spent at a hotel in one of the small towns, and at daylight the search for the missing houseboat was renewed.

  30. Evidently missing both shots, he settled to await a better target, eyes intent to the loophole.

  31. To Nogam the young girl looked wan and wistful--as if she were missing somebody.

  32. They returned at night, but nobody had seen or heard of the missing gentleman.

  33. There was much talk of the missing funds, but he quieted it satisfactorily.

  34. At the end of twenty-two years it was completed; not a detail missing inside or out; and then when all was done the modeller went blind.

  35. While the aunt was looking everywhere for her missing things, you joined the masked lady in the car.

  36. For ten minutes, perhaps, the Prince tried this device and that--no doubt missing Joseph; but at last he gave up in despair.

  37. Meantime there was no small hue and cry after young Robert, whose mother missing him, and finding the cattle among the corn, was in the utmost anxiety, concluding that he had fallen into some water or peat moss.

  38. A brick splintered the glass at his right, just missing his head.

  39. She put her hand on the missing implement, cached within it.

  40. A young college professor, missing his steamer for Europe, has a romantic meeting with a pretty girl, escorts her home, and is enveloped in a big mystery.

  41. Smith had been missing frequently of late and for so long as two days at a time, but this could not be regarded as peculiar, since the habits of all the grub-liners were more or less erratic.

  42. The Interstate people have offered me their best monoplane to start the chase for the missing Drifter.

  43. So far as the man knew, none of the many assistants of Mr. Price had found any traces of the missing aero-hydroplane.

  44. He was aware that their only chance of getting near to the missing airship was to make new headquarters somewhere in the vicinity of Brantford, just as they had on Desert Island.

  45. Dave knew that the statement could refer to no other than his missing chum.

  46. Then suddenly upon the flushing of the cock he came down, and missing of it in that down-come, lo what working there was on both sides!

  47. Judge if yours, the liveliest piece of eloquence which ever displayed itself in a fair visage, shall fail to express that which passionate words, missing their aim, would of a surety ill convey.

  48. I can read three or four pages sometimes without missing a word.

  49. The flares guided the searching parties back to the boat, but so far as finding trace of the missing ones was concerned, neither flares nor searchers were of any avail.

  50. McPherson, who had seen active service chasing German subs, was certain they had encountered one of the missing U boats.

  51. But Barney, missing a familiar pungent odor that should go with such a breakfast in a wilderness, hurried back to the plane to return with a coffee pot and a sack of coffee.

  52. The missing boat was never heard of again.

  53. He would be able to make us out then at daylight, whichever course we take; whereas, by trying to follow in the dark, he would run the chance of missing us altogether.

  54. The news that James was missing was brought to her upon the day after the event by Mr. Wilks.

  55. Messages arrived, in the course of the day, to say that all the missing boats, with one exception, had succeeded in gaining the shore before the storm was full on.

  56. The English loss in killed, wounded, and missing was two hundred and sixty-two, for the most part killed in the ambush in the morning.

  57. My young friend Jim Walsham is missing this morning, and hasn't been at home all night.

  58. The possibility of missing his mark when once obliged to shoot did not enter his mind.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "missing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absconded; absent; arrested; away; bankrupt; bereft; callow; casualty; defective; deficient; deleted; departed; devoid; embryonic; extinct; failing; gone; immature; inadequate; incomplete; infant; lacking; lost; minus; missing; needing; negative; nonexistent; null; part; partial; patchy; scant; scanty; scrappy; short; shy; sketchy; subtracted; underdeveloped; undeveloped; vacuous; vanished; void; wanting

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    missing from; missing link; missing text