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Example sentences for "patchy"

Lexicographically close words:
patches; patching; patchouli; patcht; patchwork; pate; pateat; pated; patella; patellar
  1. Generally, the surfaces of the prepuce and glans are relaxed and turgid, but there is no breach of continuity; in neglected cases there is superficial patchy ulceration, and sometimes a deep and sloughing sore.

  2. In neglected cases great tumefaction of the labia takes place, along with excoriation of the neighbouring parts, patchy ulceration around, and swelling of the absorbents and of the inguinal glands.

  3. Never a streak or a patchy place, and he knew the secret of somehow making the second coat gleam like frosting on a wedding-cake.

  4. It was with this view that we acquired Mis Cow, who at the moment was a mere frame with a patchy Holstein covering and a feebly hanging tail.

  5. There were marked right proptosis, less left proptosis, and slight patchy subconjunctival hæmorrhage of both eyes.

  6. The immediate development of the primary symptoms is no doubt to be referred to concussion, while the patchy nature of the prolonged lesion and gradual recession of the symptoms point to the presence of hæmorrhages.

  7. Indigestion such as I have already spoken of sometimes precedes it, with the irregular condition of bowels, and the patchy state of the tongue.

  8. In obstinate patchy cases occasional paintings with a 20 to 50 per cent alcoholic solution of resorcin is curative; following the painting a mild salve should be used.

  9. During the following summer we collected seed of the same grasses to sow early in spring in any patchy or bare places.

  10. It is never leafless or untidy; it never looks mangy like an Ilex in April, or moulting like a Holly in May, or patchy and unfinished like Yew and Box and many other evergreens when their young leafy shoots are sprouting.

  11. But all the patchy color left her cheeks, and, dropping her head on her hands, she began to sob.

  12. Her staring brunette color had grown patchy and unhealthy, her eyes had a furtive audacity, her lips a coarseness, which might have been always there; but in the winter, youth and high spirits had to some extent disguised them.

  13. The food that seabirds use is patchy and subject to both short-and long-term fluctuations in numbers and shifts in geography.

  14. Such adaptations can be viewed as adjustments by which individuals meet the requirements of an environment in which the availability of food and other necessities is patchy and shifting.

  15. A patchy perspiration breaks out about the body and quarters, and the tail is outstretched and quivering.

  16. The pulse is hard and frequent, the respirations tremendously increased in number, the body wet with a patchy perspiration, and the countenance indicative of the most acute suffering.

  17. The breathing is hurried and the pulse firm and frequent, while in a bad case patchy perspiration breaks out at intervals on various parts of the body.

  18. The wheat was patchy in that corner--there were many old stumps of trees, and there were bare strips where the plough had gone on each side of them.

  19. The ulceration in the stomach, obliteration and partial destruction of the mucous membrane, the effusion of blood under it, and the dark patchy spots and ulcers and injection generally of the membrane might, as Dr.

  20. He was very feverish, and his tongue was furred, and had a patchy appearance, from the fur being off in various places.

  21. He arrives from the South early in March when his patchy plumage harmonizes more or less with the snow-checkered landscape, but he is nowise concerned with problems of protective coloration.

  22. This must be wrong; they mark blizzards, but after each blizzard fresh crusts are formed only over the patchy heaps left by the blizzard.

  23. A watery moon shining through a filmy cirrostratus--the outlook wonderfully desolate with its ghostly illumination and patchy clouds of flying snow drift.

  24. But on the small rookery they are patchy and there seems ample room for the further extension of the colonies.

  25. In some skins distinct lines of molt are visible without parting the hair, and in some others the molt is patchy in appearance.

  26. Abrasion, wear, irritation by ectoparasites, and other kinds of injury to the skin may play a part in the development of a patchy molt.

  27. Spicer's farm' was a big bark humpy on a patchy clearing in the native apple-tree scrub.

  28. Patchy had lately been reading the story of Joseph and his brethren.

  29. Patchy was crying softly as he stumbled on, holding fast to Brightly's hand, and it would have taken but slight provocation to bring tears to the eyes of many others.

  30. Patchy had lost his cap somewhere, and Brightly tied his handkerchief over the child's head to protect him from the hot rays of the sun.

  31. The little fellow wanted to take it off; but Brightly turned savagely on the tormentors and shut them up, and ordered Patchy sternly to keep it on.

  32. He kept Patchy in sight, helping him across the short bridges, and holding him up against the bank while the trains flashed by.

  33. The moon displayed a patchy surface, and that was all; her craters and ring-mountains were surprises as yet in store for men.

  34. When thus viewed she merely displays a patchy appearance,[15] and the imaginary forms which her darker markings suggest to the fancy are popularly expressed by the term "Man in the Moon.

  35. Indeed the best tracts of all extend from Bolivia only a little way into southeastern Peru, and are coincident with the patchy grasslands that are there interspersed with belts of woodland and forest.

  36. The result is a deep semi-arid pocket with only a patchy forest (Fig.

  37. In some cases the lime soaps act like mordants, attracting colouring matter unequally, and producing patchy effects.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "patchy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.