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Example sentences for "anchoret"

Lexicographically close words:
anchorage; anchorages; anchored; anchoress; anchoresses; anchorets; anchoring; anchorite; anchorites; anchors
  1. Bede further states that this anchoret subsequently went to Frisland to preach as a missionary there, but he reaped no fruit from his labours among his barbarous auditors.

  2. According to Bede no one had dared to dwell alone on the island of Farne before St. Cuthbert selected it as his anchoret habitation, because demons resided there (propter demorantium ibi phantasias demonum).

  3. While Cuthbert spake A young man whispered to a priest, 'Is yon That Anchoret of the rock?

  4. Though influenced by Schleiermacher, Neander, and Hegel, he for a long time withdrew like an anchoret from the strife of theologians and philosophers, and took up a position alongside of Oetinger in the chamber of the theosophists.

  5. Overcome by importunities, he admitted a holy anchoret named Moyses to live with him as his disciple.

  6. The inhabitants flocked from the coast to hear the lessons of divine wisdom which the holy anchoret gave with a heavenly unction which penetrated their hearts.

  7. Each anchoret had here his separate cell, which he made his continued abode, except on Saturday and Sunday, when all assembled in one church to celebrate the divine mysteries, and partake of the holy communion.

  8. St. Victor, or Vittre, of Arcis in Champagne, Anchoret and Confessor.

  9. He seems to have been the first anchoret who inhabited this vast wilderness; and this Cassian affirms.

  10. Then turning to John he said with a smile: "And you shall be like the anchoret of old to this household, my son.

  11. We monks pray by day, but the anchoret prays by night.

  12. Unless we know that in the dark hours the anchoret guards the house, who shall rest on his bed in peace?

  13. Lord Scrope left by will a bequest to Elizabeth, late servant to the anchoret of Hampole.

  14. That on the sailors' return to Italy they discovered, by comparison of dates, that Theodoric died on the day on which the anchoret noticed his punishment by the hands of his victims.

  15. Yet,' said Hal, 'what sins could the anchoret have?

  16. But at Monkbarns, no anchoret could have made a more simple and scanty meal.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anchoret" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.