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Example sentences for "apostrophizing"

Lexicographically close words:
apostrophised; apostrophises; apostrophising; apostrophized; apostrophizes; apothecaries; apothecary; apothecia; apothecium; apothegm
  1. There is no one like you--no one," said Beaton, as if apostrophizing her in her absence.

  2. At the moment of his apostrophizing Blount was opening his mail in the Temple Court office, and lamenting, as a loyal friend might, the necessity for the recent clubbing into line of so fine a fellow as Dick Gantry.

  3. The falua in the wake picked up the hat and restored it in a very water-soaked condition to its owner, who showed no more desire for the time being to continue apostrophizing the sea-gulls.

  4. Even Punch joined in the vituperation with a cartoon by Linley Sambourne, which showed Britannia gripping the agitator by the scruff of the neck and apostrophizing him: 'Here, you'd better come home.

  5. Walter, apostrophizing an old gentleman with a powdered head (inaudibly to him of course), who was staring at a ship's telescope with all his might and main.

  6. He was moaning, nursing his wound, apostrophizing the young children he had left, and cursing his foolhardiness.

  7. Just as I could not shed tears, so was I incapable of apostrophizing God in my despair.

  8. She continues, apostrophizing beauty, In many guises didst thou come to me; I saw thee by the maidens when they danced, Phaon allured me with a look of thine, In Anactoria I knew thy grace.

  9. My eyes are opened now, if they was blind before," continued Mrs. Mason, apostrophizing in no gentle terms the offending Caroline.

  10. Mr Pecksniff, apostrophizing the reluctant prize, 'why did you take me prisoner?

  11. Herrick, apostrophizing blossoms, deduces from them the fact that all things have their end, though ne'er so brave.

  12. One sympathizes with Posthumus in the play, when, apostrophizing the volume in his prison, he says: 'O rare one!

  13. Ay, burn," he spoke out exultantly, apostrophizing the island.

  14. He felt his whole physical being to be in sympathy with vital things, and, after all, how often the poets, in their rhapsodies on spirituelle and unearthly women, were merely rapturously apostrophizing the evidences of dissolution!

  15. She smiled upon him like a guardian angel with exquisite teeth, and the scamp turned again to the sea, apostrophizing in fo'c'sle idiom all interfering fools and sentimental humbugs.

  16. Think of a Christian poet apostrophizing the Ancient of Days--Jehovah himself--in the language of idolatrous and pagan Rome!

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "apostrophizing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.