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Example sentences for "articulatory"

Lexicographically close words:
articulately; articulates; articulating; articulation; articulations; articulis; articulo; articulos; articulus; artifact
  1. All that part of speech which falls out of the rigid articulatory framework is not speech in idea, but is merely a superadded, more or less instinctively determined vocal complication inseparable from speech in practice.

  2. It exists, in fact, simply in order that the os coronæ may have a sufficiently large articulatory surface to play upon.

  3. The lower articulatory surface is formed by the third phalanx and the navicular bone combined.

  4. The true articulatory surface of the bone, that articulating with the os pedis and with the os coronæ, is never affected.

  5. Audiovisual memory was better than either alone, and the span of even this was improved when articulatory memory was added.

  6. One made without any change in the position of the articulatory organs during its emission.

  7. One that is modified but not obstructed by the articulatory organs.

  8. This music of speech exalts and supplements the dance; when all parts of the body are in motion the articulatory organs also tend to participate.

  9. These articulatory movements, which form a part of the mimicking activity of the face, supplement the dynamic rhythm of the dance with the melodic rise and fall of tones.

  10. In the first month of the third year of life the progress is extraordinary, and it is only in regard to the articulatory mechanism that no important new actions are to be recorded.

  11. In the same way variations that reduce the unstressed syllables of a word readily insinuate themselves into the articulatory habits of a people.

  12. That is, those sounds become discarded that do not fit in with the general articulatory tendencies of a language.

  13. And with remarkable rapidity its repertoire of articulatory movements has greatly increased.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "articulatory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.