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Example sentences for "rapidity"

Lexicographically close words:
rapeutique; raphe; rapid; rapide; rapidis; rapidly; rapido; rapids; rapier; rapiers
  1. A flash was soon followed by a third report, and at the end of a few seconds the dark mass of a vessel was distinctly seen, driving on shore with as much rapidity as if she had been impelled by sails.

  2. During the last Afghan war the English were at first much puzzled by the rapidity with which thousands of armed men would appear, and, if occasion required, the equal rapidity with which they would vanish.

  3. In vituperation--for volume of sound and rapidity of words--I never met the Armenian's equal.

  4. Further, the protoplasm itself is highly contractile, as may be proved by witnessing the rapidity with which the animal can change its form.

  5. It is best supplied in the form of an alcoholic solution made by dissolving a few grains in about half a pint of methylated spirit; the advantage of this over an aqueous solution being the rapidity with which it dries.

  6. These little processes, which are called cilia, move to and fro with such rapidity that they are hardly visible; and, by means of them the little infusorian is enabled to move about in its watery home with considerable speed.

  7. And in the darkness, and the rapidity with which they were borne along, how should help come?

  8. Unfortunately for the social enjoyments of Kennett, eating had come to be regarded as a part of labor; silence and rapidity were its principal features.

  9. The rapidity of the symptoms and the danger are influenced by the size of the tumour and the condition of its neck, and by the nature of its contents.

  10. Foreign bodies introduced, even in the most healthy persons, are soon incrusted by calculous matter; and the rapidity of the incrustation is in proportion to the tendency to the calculous diathesis.

  11. The general health is soon undermined, and the disease advances from bad to worse with the usual certainty and rapidity of malignant action.

  12. The tumour had grown with great rapidity during the last two months; and, as there was danger of its bursting, an operation was at once decided upon.

  13. For ten minutes more they held their position, hurling the grey mass back by the rapidity of their fire.

  14. In the second round Kenneth in his turn adopted forcing tactics, bewildering his opponent by the whirlwind rapidity of his attack and his elusiveness in defence.

  15. He remained in Europe most of the time, his powers developing with rapidity and promise of future greatness, till 1785, when he returned and entered the junior class in Harvard College.

  16. A State revises her statutes with a rapidity that astonishes a European.

  17. The whole of the latter part of this scene is brilliant in the variety and rapidity of its action, and should not, I consider, be omitted in representation as is directed to be done in the Irving-version.

  18. On elevated mountain plateaus, or even in high residences among the Alps, an increased rapidity in the number of respirations and of the pulse, as well as increased evaporation from the lungs and skin, occur.

  19. Its entrance, which is too narrow and not deep enough, does not permit steamers to go in, come out, and perform their evolutions with the rapidity required by our epoch.

  20. Directly, by promoting evaporation from the skin, and abstracting heat from the body in proportion to their dryness and rapidity of motion.

  21. The rapidity of her motions was only equalled by the swift and surprising monologue that poured from her mouth.

  22. Alva immediately ordered eight thousand pairs of skates, and the soldiers were kept hard at work practicing until they were able to make their way with fair rapidity over the ice.

  23. Ludovico Sforza, on his side, was beginning to tremble, seeing the rapidity with which the King of France had dethroned the house of Aragon, lest he might not make much difference between his allies and his enemies.

  24. See with what rapidity the much-cavilled court would dispatch public business!

  25. In consequence of the free trade lately granted to Chili, it is increasing in population with a rapidity proportional to the salubrity of its climate and the fertility of its soil.

  26. By these precautions, and the rapidity of the march, the viceroy was not informed of the approach of Gonzalo and his army, till they were very near San Miguel.

  27. The storm then passes away with a rapidity proportional to its violence, and the weather clears up.

  28. The rapidity of my motions brought me to the ground, where I lay stretched out with a man under me, whom I held tight, and who now became visible.

  29. Of Slowness and Rapidity in Oratorical Delivery.

  30. The excellence of the manoeuvring of the English ships, and the rapidity and accuracy of their fire, astonished the Spaniards.

  31. Cabbages and the different salads grow, in fact, with a rapidity which prevents them from maturing; they flower in two or three weeks after being sown.

  32. Take away from this Australian Continent its fertile districts in the south-east, where have sprung up and developed with amazing rapidity the flourishing colonies of New South Wales, Victoria, and Queensland, and what remains?

  33. Nature has thus fitted him by a peculiarly admirable organization for those habits of burrowing, which he performs with such astonishing rapidity that it is almost impossible to capture him by digging.

  34. It has more probably been because the changes have succeeded each other with such rapidity as almost to rival the movements of their pens.

  35. Nevertheless, in view of the extreme rapidity with which death is brought about in a few instances, the possibility of a direct shock to the nervous system causing death must not be overlooked.

  36. The rapidity with which consciousness is lost is well exemplified in an instance recorded by Hufeland, where a man about to be apprehended as a thief took an ounce of the acid, staggered a few steps and fell apparently lifeless.

  37. And so saying, she threw herself upon her knees before the new-comer, and clasped her arms around her with a rapidity and suppleness that almost resembled the coilings of a snake.

  38. On the contrary, they were too well assured that it was rising higher; and with a rapidity that threatened soon to submerge them under its merciless swells.

  39. On the instant after being laid hold of, they had been stripped with as much rapidity as if their bodies were about to be submitted to some ignominious chastisement.

  40. Soon after coming to New York she began to see faces and other pictures before her on the blank paper and to sketch them with marvellous rapidity and exactness, all in the same automatic manner as that in which she did her writing.

  41. It was done with the same wonderful rapidity which characterized all her automatic work.

  42. In playing cards he picked up the trick with a rapidity and certainty which showed how clearly he knew the position of the cards upon the table.

  43. Suddenly, almost with the rapidity of lightning, the scene changed from gay to grave.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rapidity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.