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Example sentences for "asleepe"

Lexicographically close words:
asks; askt; askyd; aslant; asleep; asmoche; asmuch; asonante; asparagus; aspartic
  1. Among the earth-bred brothers you a mortall warre did set And brought asleepe the Dragon fell whose eyes were neuer shet.

  2. And truely I did greatly suspect, least hee had mingled in their cups some deadly poyson, for incontinently they all fell downe asleepe on the ground one after an other, and lay as though they had beene dead.

  3. When the theeves were all asleepe by their great and immoderate drinking, the young man Lepolemus took the Maiden and set her upon my backe, and went homeward.

  4. The other Night I fell asleepe heere behind the Arras, and had my Pocket pickt: this House is turn'd Bawdy-house, they picke Pockets Prince.

  5. Come on my Lords, the better foote before, Straight will I bring you to the lothsome pit, Where I espied the Panther fast asleepe Quin.

  6. This is a strange repose, to be asleepe With eyes wide open: standing, speaking, mouing: And yet so fast asleepe Ant.

  7. Peace, peace: Dost thou not see my Baby at my breast, That suckes the Nurse asleepe Char.

  8. How if the nurse be asleepe and will not heare vs?

  9. And finding me asleepe scorn'd to uncharme My dull and cursed silence.

  10. The favor which Mary openly bore to Bothwell kept every one in awe; and the effects of this terror appeared more plainly in another transaction, which ensued immediately upon the dissolution of the parliament.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "asleepe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.